Thursday 14 October 2010

Pyeongchang 2018 candidate city

Located 750 m above sea level, and with 84% of its territory comprised of rugged mountains, PyeongChang is truly an eco-city, enjoying air and water quality levels that surpass international standards.

To preserve such superb natural environs, PyeongChang and the venue cities have been developing environmental infrastructure expansion projects aimed at conserving grade-1 water resources, vitalising ecosystems, improving biodiversity, and recycling waste materials as energy resources. Our efforts have led to PyeongChang being designated a ‘Low-Carbon Green Growth Model City’ by the National Government.

And, through our bid to host the 2018 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games, plans are fully in place to live up to this designation. In fact, PyeongChang 2018 fully intends to make the 2018 Games a true Green and Low-Carbon Olympics.

To that end, the city will carry out four major environmental projects that have as their respective goals: controlling and neutralising greenhouse gas emissions; achieving zero discharge (through the reuse, reduction and recycling of waste materials); maintaining water quality levels at the ideal level; and restoring and improving the city’s overall ecosystem. 

Furthermore, all venues used for the 2018 Games will be “Green”, playing a huge role in our promise to fully deliver on an environmentally sustainable Winter Games. All new competition and noncompetition venues to be built for the Winter Games will obtain certification in adherence with the building laws of the Green Building Certification Programme, adopted by Korea in 2006, while existing venues will be upgraded to low-carbon eco-friendly facilities that utilize renewable energy, reuse rainwater and wastewater, and adopt natural lighting systems.

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