Thursday 14 October 2010

Hangul Shines through Everyday Life and Art in Latest Korean Embassy Exhibition

Artwork by students and professionals alike were on display at the Korean Embassy’s KORUS House on Oct. 7 for the exhibition of the Korean American Traditional Artists Association’s 2010 U.S. Nationwide Art Contest.

Although they came from different personal backgrounds, all of the artists in this year’s competition centered their works on the theme “Celebrating Hangeul Proclamation Day,” a Korean holiday observed on Oct. 9 each year to mark the debut of the Korean writing system, Hangul, in 1446.

About 80 guests were on hand for the occasion, which included a presentation by GeorgeWashington University professor Young-Key Kim-Renaud.

“A fantastic presentation and reception, as usual,” said one guest after the program. “[Other] embassy-supported functions I sometimes attend could take some cues from KORUS House!”

The exhibition and annual art contest, organized with support from the Overseas Koreans Foundation and the Embassy of the Republic of Korea, is a regular event at KORUS House around the time of Hangul Day.

Many of the featured works incorporate the “letters” of the Korean alphabet into vivid scenes of Korean culture and modernity.

Also known as Korean Alphabet Day and Hangeul Proclamation Day, Hangul-nal is a national holiday in Korea that celebrates the creation of the Korean writing system, Hangul. Every year, Koreans and Korean language communities around the world observe the holiday on and around October 9, the date on which Hangul was officially proclaimed by its inventor, Korea’s King Sejong, in 1446.

The exhibition will remain on display and open to the public at KORUS House through Oct. 21 (hours: M-F, 9am-noon and 1:30-5:30pm).

हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

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