Wednesday 27 October 2010

Korea and India : Two giants in Asia reaching new heights in Diplomacy

  Korea and  India shares many cultural ties from the very past, but I feel everyday being in Korea as a Student living here much more similarities not only in terms of the culture but even the mindset of the people too.Despite of similarities in terms of Buddhism , Colonial Experience,These too Peninsular countries are getting too closer diplomatically.  In this era of Globalisation where Economic Interests plays a major role in Diplomacy,Korea and India can undersatnd each other and can have an examplary Diplomacy not only to the Asian Nations but to the other countries across the World too.Especially for Asia, I see Korea-India as a responsible partners for the Peace and Developement in the  Asian Continent.But at the same time I  want to emphasis  that Academic contact  between the people of these countries is really needed to be increased.It makes me so unhappy as a Student studying in Korea that in most of the parts in a Country like India people are not aware of Korea's long History,its Unique Culture etc. Korean brand Products  like Samsung cellphones and Televisions,LG televisions,cellphones and Washing Machines and Hyundai Motor cars.Indian houses  are full of  Korea's LG,Samsung appliances ,roads are full of Hyundai motor cars but at the same time I would like to add here that many of its users are not aware of this fact that they are Korean Companies.People trust these products and buy them.But they don't know that the  product is a Korean Brand.Being an Indian I  can understand why many people in India still cant recognize North and South Korea well  but when it comes to Korean brands, it  inspires me to study Korea well and after returning to India disseminate this Knowledge  to the Indians too.

Anyways,this was all about a view.Lets have a look of  some of the memorable  and wonderful memories through this pictures which shows the Diplomatic closeness of these two countries not  only headed by   Economy.


                                                   India and Korea: a Long way to  go...
                        Finance Ministers of Korea and India joining hands to reach new heights 
Korean Chief of Naval Operations  shakes hands with India’s Vice Admiral:a new way to the  Korea-India Naval   Cooperation    
                       South Korean President and his wife receiving the bust of Mahatma Gandhi

South Korean President Lee Myung bak (right) on a visit to the Hyundai India plant at Irungattukottai. Photo : K. Pichumani
The Hindu             South Korean President Lee Myung bak on a visit to the Hyundai India plant at Irungattukotta


Indian President Pratibha Patil suggests choice of snacks to South Korean President Lee Myung-Bak during a Republic Day reception at the Presidential Palace in New Delhi.

                    Lee Myung-Bak, Manmohan Singh Pictures & Photos

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, foreground second from right, accompanied by his wife Kim Yoon-ok, second from left, speaks with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, left, as India's President Pratibha Patil, right, looks on before the ceremonial guard of honor at the Rashtrapati Bhawan, or Presidential Palace, in New Delhi, India

                        Lee Myung-Bak Pictures & Photos
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, center, walks after inspecting the ceremonial guard of honor at the Rashtrapati Bhawan or Presidential Palace in New Delhi, India,

                       Lee Myung-bak, Kim Yoon-ok Pictures & Photos

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak with his wife Kim Yoon-ok, pay their tributes at the Mahatama Gandhi memorial, in New Delhi, India. Lee,
                       Lee Myung-Bak Pictures & Photos
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, center, inspects the ceremonial guard of honor at the Rashtrapati Bhawan or Presidential Palace in New Delhi, India

                                                Lee Myung-bak, Kim Yoon-ok Pictures & Photos
South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, second right, with his wife Kim Yoon-ok, second left, pay their tributes at the Mahatama Gandhi memorial, in New Delhi, India

                            Lee Myung-Bak, Manmohan Singh Pictures & Photos

South Korean President Lee Myung-bak, right, gestures as he and wife Kim Yoon-ok speak with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, left, before the ceremonial guard of honor at the Rashtrapati Bhawan or Presidential Palace in New Delhi.

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