Monday 11 October 2010

New Korean Language Exam for Foreigners to Begin in 2012

An expanded Korean language exam for foreigners and Koreans living abroad who wish to study here will be introduced starting in 2012. 

The Education Ministry and the National Institute for International Education announced Friday that the new exam, titled Academy-TOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean), will help recruit highly talented foreign students to Korea.

They say the test will be similar in format to the GRE (Graduate Record Examination) in the U.S. or the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language). 

Although an increasing number of foreigners are taking the existing TOPIK exam, the agencies say there is a need for a more comprehensive test.

The Academy-TOPIK will include a speaking test in addition to grammar, reading, listening and writing tests. 

Development of test questions will start early next year so that trial exams can begin in the latter half of 2011.

source:chosun Ilbo


Lyn said...

안녕하세요.I am very interested. May I apply for this? Please email me at I am looking forward of your response. Thank you so much.

Lyn said...

안녕하세요. I am very interested. May I apply for this? Please email me at I am looking forward for your positive response.Thank you.

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