Tuesday 19 October 2010

Korean cars to carry international leaders for G20 Seoul Summit

When they visit Seoul for next month's G20 Seoul Summit, leaders will ride in Equus limousines manufactured by Hyundai-Kia Motors.
The car is equipped with a bullet-proof security system and an automatic break alert system, with emergency lights that turn on automatically if the breaks are activated abruptly.
"By providing the G20 leaders with the Equus as an official vehicle for G20 Seoul Summit, we hope to establish a high-end image for the Korean vehicle market and other Korean products,” said Hyundai’s PR staff.
The spouses of heads of state will travel in Germany's new Audi A8 during the summit. The vehicle was imported for the occasion, and has not been released in Korea. It is made of strong, lightweight aluminum, and equipped with automatic distance control between cars.

Additionally, it has a special thermal detector that can sense humans, animals and road obstacles within a 300 meter radius, increasing the safety of night driving.

"Audi has been used as an official vehicle many times in past years. It is a great opportunity to increase our brand awareness and prestige,” said Trevor Hill, Managing Director of Audi Korea.
BMW and Chrysler will also act as sponsors for the summit, which will require a total of 240 official vehicles to transport G20 leaders.

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