Thursday 21 October 2010

G-20 Seoul Summit: My Expectation as an Indian Student in Korea

US President Obama discussing some Important issues with Korean President Lee Myung Bak

The G-20 leaders meeting in Seoul next month will be  hosted by  President Lee Myung Bak. Seoul will be the center of attraction for the World.Personally too, I am feeling very proud  being a foreign student  in Korea on this great  ocasion.

Being an Indian Student studying in Korea with the support of Korean Government, I see this Summit as a good  opportunity for strengthening  and betterment  of  Indo-Korean Economic Partnership in the Asian Region which I believe will further play an important role in bringing India-Korea closer in Education and Culture Diplomacy .G-20 comprise of 19 countries+ European Union  which are the most influential countries in terms of Economy  and are among the members of the United Nations too.If we  look at  these  countries in terms of their  GNP(Gross National Product) across the Globe  the G-20 economies comprise 85%of World Trade and two-thirds of the World Population .Like other Countries, India and Korea  are also expected to 
gain more ground in the G-20 as their economic output has been remarkable  over the past decades compared to the advanced countries suffering  global financial crisis up to some extent.

US President Obama discussing some Important issues with Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh

As far as we know that  South Korea being the most wired country in the world is seeking some offshore manufacturing bases in India being  an epicenter of software development as India is home to a plethora of low-cost, reliable IT production facilities.Apart from this  Both India and South Korea have good relations with the United States and  with the latest agreement "Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA)"which is likely to wrap up almost three years and 12 rounds of negotiations to bring to fruition South Korea's first economic agreement with a BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) nation.South Korea and India are co-operating each other economically  in this  way.
Moreover  Korea, known as the first Asian Tiger to successfully develop its economy  is having many similarities too with these BRICs.On the Other side The CEPA signed recently between India and Korea  also is a   window of opportunity  for India  as it has sought India  into the Northeast Asian economy. In that perspective G-20 Seoul Summit  will be a milestone for strengthening the bilateral relation of the two countries in a broader sense. 

Sanjay Kumar
Korean Govt.Scholarship Student from India.

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