Monday 18 October 2010

Culture and arts unite Korea and ASEAN

The 2010 ASEAN-Korea Culture & Arts Forum, organized by the Korean Culture and Information Service of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, closed on October 16.

The ten countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Brunei, Burma/Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam) and Korea held the regional conference to encourage cultural exchanges among nations and strengthen relationships in order to establish an Asia united by culture and the arts. 
Mohammad Abdoh Damit, Head of Aesthetics Education in Brunei’s Ministry of Education, gave a speech on the importance of international cooperation and understanding in culture and the arts. Bui Hoai Son from the Vietnam Institute of Culture and Arts Studies also helped open the forum with a presentation on how Korean dramas act as a cultural link between Korea and Vietnam.

Son stressed that Korean dramas act as ambassadors of Korean culture, increasing Vietnamese interest in the culture and people of Korea.  He also said that to improve cultural contact and understanding between the two countries, there needs to be more venues and opportunities for mutual interaction, including conferences and human exchanges.

Damit spoke on the importance and development of international cooperation and understanding between ASEAN and Korea, and of the ASEAN-Korea Traditional Orchestra in particular.

During the session on performances, presenters from Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Cambodia and Korea talked about official policies and the current status of traditional performance in their respective nations. There was also a session concentrating on issues in the film industry, with participants from the Philippines, Singapore, Laos, and Korea.  
Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism Yu In-chon sent a message to the forum, stating that the Korean Government remains committed to enhancing cultural communication among Asian nations, and the promotion of Asian cultural values.

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