Friday 22 October 2010

Members of G-20

The G20 Summit is attended by the heads of state of 19 countries, plus the EU (European Union), as follows
The second largest country in South America, Argentina is a federal republic comprised of 23 provinces and one autonomous city. Capital: Buenos Aires. The country uses a presidential system with a bicameral parliament. It currently ranks second in Latin America and 23rd in the world in terms of GDP. It plays a key role in MERCOSUR, the Latin American Common Market, and participates in efforts to bring about regional economic integration.
• Population: 40,677,348 (as of 2008)
• Area: 2,766,890 ㎢ 
• Official language: Spanish 
• Local currency: Argentine peso (ARS)
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Australia is the smallest of the seven continents and the sixth largest country in the world. It is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations and comprised of six states. Its official name: The Commonwealth of Australia. Capital: Canberra. The country has a federal (bicameral) parliamentary system (a constitutional monarchy, officially speaking). The symbolic head of state is the British Queen, who is represented by the Governor-General. The Prime Minister is the head of government.
• Population: 21.87 million (as of 2009)
• Area: 7,692,208 ㎢ 
• Official language: English 
• Local currency: Australian dollar (AUD) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Brazil is the largest South American country and the fifth largest in the world. The country's official name: Federal Republic of Brazil. Capital: Brazilia. The country uses the presidential system and has a bicameral parliament. It is rich in natural resources such as iron ore, gold, and bauxite; agricultural products such as coffee, soybeans, and sugarcane; and biodiversity, with more than 13 % of the world's species living on its land. Brazil is well-known for soccer, and it has won the FIFA World Cup five times. An emerging economy, it is one of so-called BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) states. Currently, it is pursuing the qualitative and quantitative growth of the South American market.
• Population: 191,908,598 (as of 2008) 
• Area: 8,511,965㎢ 
• Official language: Portuguese 
• Local currency: Real (BRL) (ARS)
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Canada is a member of the British Commonwealth of Nations and consists of ten provinces and three territories. Capital: Ottawa. The country is a constitutional monarchy with a bicameral parliamentary cabinet system. Although the British Queen is Canada's head of state, the Governor-General carries out many duties on her behalf and serves as the link between the Canadian and British governments. The prime minister is the head of government. About 80% of the Canadian population lives in areas close to its border with the United States. Canada is the second-largest country in the world and has a wealth of natural resources-- it has the world's second-largest oil reserves and has 10% of its fresh water
• Population: 33,143,610 (as of 2008) 
• Area: 9,984,670㎢ 
• Official language: English and French 
• Local currency: Canadian dollar (CAD) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

China is the world's most populous country and the fourth largest in terms of land mass. Official name: People's Republic of China. Capital: Beijing. Since the 1990s, China has emerged as an economic powerhouse, having adopted reformist, open-door economic policies. Today, China is one of the world's leading exporters, exporting mainly electronics, apparel, and other manufactured goods. It has been one of the fastest-growing major economies, and is also one of the so-called BRIC countries. 
• Population: about 1,334.74 million 
• Area: 959,722㎢ 
• Official language: Chinese 
• Local currency: Renminbi (CNY)
• Official internet homepage of the government:


France, officially known as the French Republic, is located in Western Europe between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The capital city is Paris, well-known as the center of arts and culture. The government is based on the unitary semi-presidential system with two executive leaders; the President is the head of state and the Prime Minister carries out his role following the tradition of the Third and Fourth Republics. France is also known for various cultural attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and the Palace of Versailles. President Nicolas Sarkozy's speech at the UN in 2008, which underlined the needs to establish a new international financial system that includes emerging economies, became the cornerstone of the G20 Summit. 
• Population: 62.6 million (as of 2009) 
• Area: 551,695㎢ (about 2.5 times larger than the Korean Peninsula) 
• Official language: French
• Local currency:Euro (EUR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Germany is located in Central Europe, bordered by France, Poland, and Denmark and the North and Baltic Seas. Capital: Berlin. Official name of the country: The Federal Republic of Germany. In 1990, East and West Germany, separated in the wake of World War II, were reunited. The Federal Republic is composed of 16 states and uses a parliamentary cabinet system, with the prime minister holding power. As a nation committed to environmental issues, Germany is the world's main producer of solar power technology and wind turbines. It is Europe's largest economy and the second largest exporter of goods in the world, with automobiles, machinery, and chemicals among their leading exports.
• Population: 82.13 million (as of 2009) 
• Area: 357,021 ㎢ 
• Official language: German 
• Local currency: Euro (EUR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

India is located in Southwest Asia. Official name of the country: The Indian Republic. It is the seventh largest and the second most populous country in the world. Capital: New Delhi. The country follows a parliamentary cabinet system. It is one of the so-called BRICs. The country boasts tremendous technological prowess, particularly in the information technology sector.
• Population: 1,166,079,217 (as of 2009) 
• Area: 3,287,782㎢ 
• Official language: 22 official languages, including Hindi (38.7%) and English 
• Local currency: Rupee (INR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Located in Southeast Asia, Indonesia is composed of more islands than any other country in the world. Official name of the country: The Republic of Indonesia. Capital: Jakarta. The country uses a presidential system with a five-year term of office. With Muslims comprising more than 80% of the current population, it has more Muslims than any other country in the world. Indonesia is a member of ASEAN, and has recently seen tremendous economic growth thanks to a heavy concentration in agriculture and mining. 
• Population: About 230 million (as of 2009) 
• Area: 1,919,440㎢ 
• Official language: Indonesian 
• Local currency: Rupiah (IDR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Italy is on a peninsula located in Southern Europe. Official name of the country: The Italian Republic. Capital: Rome. The country follows a parliamentary cabinet system. The president is elected in a joint session by the deputies, senators, and representatives of the country's 20 regions, totaling 1,010 voters. The president has the right to promulgate laws, dissolve the parliament, appoint and dismiss the prime minister and ministers, and declare war. The prime minister is appointed by the president and confirmed by the parliament.
• Population: 59.9 million (as of 2009) 
• Area: 301,336㎢ 
• Official language: Italian 
• Local currency: Euro (EUR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:


Japan consists of four principal islands: Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu. Capital: Tokyo. A constitutional monarchy symbolized by the Emperor, the country follows a parliamentary cabinet system run by elected politicians who hold actual decision making power. Japan is the wealthiest country in Asia with a technologically advanced economy. In the 2000s, it initiated efforts to grow the Asian economy in cooperation with the Republic of Korea and China. Japan's natural resources are mostly minerals and fish, and the country has one of the largest fishing fleets accounting for 15% of the world's catch. With scarce energy natural resources, Japan is the largest importer of coal and natural gas and the second largest importer of oil. Japan is a member of APEC, OECD, G8, UN and WTO.
• Population: 127,288,419 
• Area:377,835㎢ 
• Official language: Japanese 
• Local currency: Yen (JPY) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Mexico is located to the south of the United States. Official name of the country: The United Mexican States. Capital: Mexico City. A federal constitutional republic, the country has a strong presidential system based on the division of the legislative, executive, and judicial functions of government. In the 1980s, the country recorded rapid economic growth following neo-liberal economic reform, with an emphasis on openness, deregulation, and privatization. As the first Latin American member of the OECD, the international community has given high marks to the country's macroeconomic policies. Mexico is also a member of APEC, UNESCO, and WTO. The country displays a unique combination of ancient, medieval, and modern cultures and is the birthplace of the splendid Aztec and Mayan civilizations. Soccer is regarded as the national sport in Mexico.
• Population: 49,773,145 (as of 2009) 
• Area:221,336 (South Korea: 100,032)㎢
• Official language: Korean 
• Local currency: Won (KRW) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

The Republic of Korea is located on the southern half of the Korean peninsula. Capital: Seoul. It adopted a presidential system with its establishment as a democratic republic in 1948. Koreans have a strong sense of pride in their country's 5,000-year history. Despite difficulties following Korea's liberation from colonial rule in 1945 and the devastation of the Korean War, the country accomplished rapid economic growth in the 1960s and 1970s under the government's economic development policy. Korea is regarded as a model of success for developing countries, having overcome the financial crisis of 1997 and the global economic crisis in 2008. It is the first country in Asia, and the first among the emerging economies, to host a G20 Summit. 
• Population: 111,211,789 (as of 2009) 
• Area:1,964,375㎢ 
• Official language: Spanish 
• Local currency: Mexican peso (MXN) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Russia was the central republic of the former Soviet Union. Official name of the country: The Russian Federation. Capital: Moscow. A federal semi-presidential republic. The country adopted a bicameral parliamentary system. Towards the end of 1991, the Soviet Union was dissolved under the leadership of President Mikhail Gorbachev, who pushed forward with a policy that helped bring an end to the Cold War. Russia is the largest country in the world, covering more than one-ninth of the Earth. Considered an energy superpower, the country is rich in energy resources, including natural gas and petroleum. Russia also has the largest forest reserves and its lakes contain one fourth of the world's fresh water. Taking advantage of its abundant resources, Russia has experienced rapid economic growth since the end of the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Russia is a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, a member of the G8, the Council of Europe, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and the Eurasian Economic Community.
• Population: 140,702,094 (as of 2008) 
• Area:17,075,200 ㎢ 
• Official language: Russian 
• Local currency: Ruble (RUB) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Saudi Arabia, the largest Arab country of the Middle East, is an Islamic absolute monarchy. Official name of the country: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The King also serves as the top religious leader. Capital: Riyadh. A member of OPEC, the country has the largest petroleum reserves in the world (estimated at 264.2 billion bbl). The petrolium sector comprises roughly 80% of the budget revenues, 45% of GDP, and 90% of export earnings. Saudi Arabia became an official member of the WTO in 2005 and the government continues to promote reform through economic diversification and foreign investments. The Kingdom of Saudi is also known as the 'The Land of the Two Holy Mosques' in reference to the two holiest places in Islam, Mecca and Medina.
• Population: 125.40 million (as of 2008) 
• Area:2,149,690㎢ 
• Official language: Arabic 
• Local currency: Saudi riyal (SAR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:


The republic is located in the southernmost part of the continent of Africa. Administrative Capital: Pretoria; Legislative Capital: Cape Town; Judiciary Capital: Bloemfontein. The country follows a presidential system with elements of a parliamentary cabinet system. The leader of the party that wins a general election becomes the president. As the largest economy in Africa, the country accounts for a quarter of the combined GDP of the 53 sub-Saharan countries. Germany, United States, China, Japan, United Kingdom, and Spain are South Africa's primary international trading partners. Gold, diamonds, platinum, other metals and minerals, machinery and equipment, are the country's essential exports. South Africa has developed into a democracy, and proclaimed itself a "rainbow country" where diversity is respected. The country is rich in gold (the world's largest reserves), diamonds (the world's fourth largest reserves), manganese (the world's second largest reserves), chrome (the world's second largest reserves), uranium (the world's fourth largest reserves), and coal (the world's eighth largest reserves). It became the first country in Africa to host the Soccer World Cup (in 2010). South Africa is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, Antarctic Treaty System, Group of 77, South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone, Southern African Customs Union, WTO, and the IMF.
• Population: 49.05 million (as of 2009) br> • Area:1,219,912㎢ 
• Official language: 11 languages, including English, Afrikaans, and Zulu 
• Local currency:Rand (ZAR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

Turkey is located at the intersection of two continents, Europe and Asia. Capital: Ankara. Official name of the country: The Republic of Turkey. Thanks to its geographical location, the country displays a mixture of diverse cultures from western and eastern traditions. Turkey has a unicameral republican parliamentary democracy. The majority are Muslims, but the country follows the principle of separation between church and state. Turkey is a member of NATO. Banking, construction, home appliances, electronics, textiles, oil refining, petrochemical products, food, mining, iron, steel, machine and auto industry, and tourism constitute a large part of the country's dynamic economy.
• Population: 72.56 million (as of 2009) 
• Area:779,452㎢ (3.5 times as large as the Korean Peninsula) 
• Official language: Turkish 
• Local currency:New Turkish Lira (TRY) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

The United Kingdom, officially known as the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, is an island country in Northwestern Europe. The capital city is London and the political system is based on the constitutional monarchy. While Queen Elizabeth II is the symbolic head of the fifty-four independent states of the Commonwealth of Nations, the country is governed by a parliamentary cabinet system where the Prime Minister serves as the head of government. The country is highly competitive in service industries, including finance and law. It is the second largest destination of foreign direct investment after the U.S. and London is the world's second largest financial market after New York. The country hosted the London Summit in April 2009.
• Population:61.8 million (as of 2009) 
• Area: 244,820㎢ (1.1 times larger than the Korean Peninsula) 
• Official language: English 
• Local currency:Pound (GBP) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

The United States of America is a federal republic consisting of fifty states. The capital city is Washington, D.C. and the government is composed of the legislative branch (the bicameral Congress composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives), the executive branch, and the judicial branch. The U.S. has hosted two G20 Summits, and has led the global efforts to tackle the global financial crisis. It is a multicultural nation, home to peoples of diverse ethnic and cultural heritages. The country's cultural diversity makes it highly competitive in cultural industries including entertainment and arts. The Korea-U.S. alliance, which is based on mutual trust and the common values of democracy and market economy, will develop further as a form of strategic alliance in the twenty-first century. 
• Population:307.21 million (as of 2009) 
• Area: 9,826,630㎢ 
• Official language: English 
• Local currency:United States dollar (USD) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

The ECSC was founded by six countries in August 1952, with the aim of stimulating economic reconstruction and preventing another war in Europe. The organization was followed by the EEC and EURATOM in March 1957. In 1967, the three aformentioned organizations were integrated into the EC and then the 12-member European Union (EU), according to the terms of the 1993 Maastricht Treaty.With the addition of 10 countries (Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Cyprus and Malta) in 2004 and two more countries (Bulgaria and Rumania) in 2007, the EU became a 27-member organization. In 1968, the EU created a customs union, followed by the launch of a single market in 1993, and the adoption of a single currency in 1999. Today, the EU is the largest economic bloc in the international community, accounting for more than 20% of the world's GDP.
• Established in:Population:1993 
• Purpose: Political and economic integration of European countries 
• Member countries: 27 (as of 2010) 
• Currency:Euro (used by 16 member countries as of 2010) (EUR) 
• Official internet homepage of the government:

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