Thursday 14 October 2010

Hangeul video game takes top prize in international competition

An independent game based on the Korean Hangeul alphabet took top honors at a leading international independent game contest on October 9.
The International Festival of Independent Games, or IndieCade, was held at Sony Pictures headquarters in Culver City, Los Angeles.

The Seoul-based Team Arex won the Jury Award for their game, "Groping in the Dark."

This game asks players to help rescue a kidnapped girl who is locked in a mysterious, dark place. 

Players help her escape by deciphering the Hangeul narration to continue the story, which also has English subtitles. 

IndieCade said on its festival homepage that "the kinetic typography creates an almost mystical experience, turning letters into images and images into meanings. With its alternative to traditional visual representation in games, Groping in the Dark transforms a game into interactive poetry."
IndieCade is one of world’s foremost independent game events, along with the Independent Games Festival. More than 350 video games competed in this year's event.

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