Monday 27 September 2010

Seoul, Nigeria celebrate 30 years of diplomatic relations with performances

The Korea Culture and Information Service (KOCIS) announced Monday (September 20) that an exchange performance will take place in late September to commemorate the 30th anniversary of diplomatic ties between Korea and Nigeria. KOCIS is an organ of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

The Abuja Arts Troupe from Nigeria will showcase a traditional dance, “A Giant in the Sun,” at KB Haneul Youth Theater of the National Theater of Korea (NTOK) this coming Tuesday, Sept. 28. In return, NTOK will perform a traditional Korean folk dance, “Hanmadang” at the Abuja Hilton Hotel in Nigeria on Wednesday (Sept. 29).
Prior to the Nigerian performance, there will be a special reception to commemorate the 30th anniversary of Korea-Nigeria diplomatic relations at the outdoor stage of NTOK and KB Haneul Youth Theater, attended by top officials from both countries.
Organized by the Nigerian government, the Abuja Arts troupe is one of the premier dance and performance groups in Africa.

However, their performance in Seoul is not the first such exchange between Korea and Nigeria. In May this year, a Korean performance team featured traditional dance, taekwondo, and b-boy moves in their performance in Nigeria’s capital, followed by a Nigerian art exhibition in Seoul in June. 

“This cultural exchange has contributed greatly to enhancing the friendly ties and maturing cooperative relationship between the two countries. We intend to keep holding these kinds of events,” said an official at the Culture Ministry.

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