Thursday 2 September 2010

Korean Language Scholarships

  1. South Korean flag
    South Korean flag
    Korean language scholarships take the form of immersion programs in which students can take advantage of the opportunity to enter Korea and learn the language. Sometimes, these Korean language scholarships award students with financial aid to fuel their studies in a particular course in Korean. Many of these scholarships and awards are available to qualifying students who, most times, have developed their knowledge of Korean over a period of time. Governments, Korean organizations and Korean schools that sponsor exchange programs are some good channels through which you can explore and find these scholarships in 2010.
  2. Korea Society Scholarship

  3. North Korean flag
    North Korean flag
    The Korea Society awards annual scholarships for students interested in the Korean language. One scholarship is for a summer session at a Korean university, the other is for a full school year. You can expect full tuition, airfare and living expenses to be covered in these two scholarships.

    Korea Society

    950 Third Ave., 8th Floor

    New York, NY 10022


  4. Blakemore Foundation Scholarship

  5. Blakemore Foundation Asian Scholarship offers students grants and fellowships to Asian institutions to advance knowledge of the language and culture. Fellowship applicants must be involved in a profession that requires the use of the Asian language, must have an undergraduate degree, and must be prepared to engage in full-time study with some previous background of the language.

    Blakemore Foundation

    1201 Third Ave., Suite 4800

    Seattle, WA 98101-3266

  6. International Korean Adoptee Service (InKAS) Korean Language Scholarships

  7. Every year the International Korean Adoptee Service, InKAS, sponsors Korean language scholarships through the language institutes of Korean, Sogang, Yonsei, Ewha and Kyunghee universities. You are required to be at least 18 and commit at least one semester to studying in Korea. The scholarship consists of full tuition for one semester and includes books. Winners must maintain at least a 2.0 GPA to maintain the scholarship.

    International Korean Adoptee Service

    4F 101-12 Daehyun Dong


    Seoul, Korea 120-89

  8. HISP-Hanyang International Scholarship

  9. Hanyang University has a Korean language scholarship program in which eligible applicants who are aspiring to complete the bachelor's degree, the master's degree, or doctoral studies can have full tuition and expenses paid. These scholarships are for those who already have a working, intermediate knowledge of Korean and were younger than 35 as of January 2006.

    Office of International Cooperation

    Hanyang University

    17 Haengdang-dong, Seongdong-gu

    Seoul, 133-791, Korea

    By Annmicha Blugh, eHow Contributor


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