Thursday 9 September 2010

Korea and Russia reconfirm strategic partnership

President Lee Myung-bak (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin
President Lee Myung-bak (left) and Russian President Vladimir Putin
President Lee Myung-bak (left) and Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

President Lee Myung-bak, currently visiting Russia for the two-day long Global Policy Forum (Sept. 9-10), met with the Prime Minister Vladimir Putin in Moscow on Thursday (Sept. 9). The two leaders exchanged opinions on issues of mutual concern, centered on the development of ties between the two nations.

They expressed their satisfaction with the continued progress made in the strategic partnership concluded between the two countries, and agreed to intensify practical cooperation in the fields of energy, resources, trade, investment and development of the Siberian region, among others.

This year celebrates the 20th anniversary of Korea-Russia ties.

President Lee and Prime Minister Putin agreed that the development project in Eastern Siberia will greatly benefit both countries, and lauded efforts made to widen channels for dialogue and further strengthen cooperative measures.

Lee stressed Korea’s strength as a partner in modernizing a country’s economy, one of the key tasks pursued by Russia, and called for Putin’s continued interest and support for other cooperative projects down the road.

The two leaders also saw eye-to-eye the seriousness of the nuclear crisis in North Korea and agreed to stay in close touch regarding North’s denuclearization, for the peace and stability of the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia.

Lee then invited his Russian counterpart to visit Korea anytime, to which Putin replied with gratitude

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