Saturday 4 September 2010

India and S.Korea Sign two MoUs in Defence Coop.

The first MoU  envisages exchange of defence related experience and information, mutual exchange of visits by military personnel and experts including civilian staff associated with defence services, military education and training and conduct of military exercises, exchange of visits of ships and aircraft, as jointly decided between the two countries.
The MoU further envisages cooperation in humanitarian assistance and international peace keeping activities. The MoU will remain valid for a period of five years with provision for its extension by five more years.
The Second MoU  to be operational under the overarching umbrella of India- South Korea Defence Agreement,   aims at identifying futuristic defence technology areas of mutual interest and pursuing R&D works in both the countries.
It also envisages co- development and co-production of defence products with Indian industry through DRDO. There will be joint IPR on all the products developed through this mechanism. Some areas of immediate interest e.g., marine systems, electronics and intelligent systems have been identified as priority tasks.
source:gs current

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