Wednesday 1 September 2010

FTA status of Korea

Since the establishment of the FTA Roadmap in 2003, Korea has actively engaged in FTA negotiations with over 50 countries. So far, FTAs with Chile, Singapore, EFTA and ASEAN have entered into force. KORUS FTA was signed in April 2007 and currently await approval for ratification. The FTA with India which were currently approved by the Korean National Assembly is expected to enter into force from January 1, 2010. With regard to the Korea and the EU FTA, both parties agreed to work toward putting the Agreement into effect within this year.

Korea is currently negotiating FTAs with GCC, Peru, Australia, New Zealand, Columbia, Canada and Mexico. Korea will launch FTA negotiations with Turkey in April 2010 following the completion of the Joint Feasibility Study on the Korea-Turkey FTA.

Prior to launching official negotiations, Korea is conducting preparation talks or joint research projects with prospective FTA partners including China, Japan, MERCOSUR, Russia and Israel. In particular, China and Japan agreed to start a joint study on the trilateral FTA among government officials, business and academic participants during the annual Trilateral Summit that was held in Beijing in October 2009.

FTAs in effect
- Korea-Chile FTA
- Korea-Singapore FTA
- Korea-EFTA FTA
- Korea-India CEPA

Concluded FTAs
- Korea-U.S. FTA
- Korea-EU FTA

FTAs under negotiation
- Korea-Canada FTA
- Korea-Mexico FTA
- Korea-GCC FTA
- Korea-Australia FTA
- Korea-New Zealand FTA
- Korea-Peru FTA
- Korea-Colombia FTA
- Korea-Turkey FTA

FTAs under consideration
- Korea-Japan FTA
- Korea-China FTA
- Korea-China-Japan FTA
- Korea-Russia BEPA
- Korea-Israel FTA
- Korea-SACU FTA
source:Ministry of foreign affairs and trade,Korea

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