Thursday 30 September 2010

Major Events of this Month

Major Events 

1. Hi Seoul Festival 2010  

Teams and individuals from 13 countries, including France, Australia and Spain will present spectacular shows under the theme of “Non-verbal Performances.” There will be a firework event on the eve of the festival on October 1. 

- Period : October 2 – October 10, 2010 
- Venue : All over the city of Seoul (mainly around Han River areas) 
- Theme : Non-verbal Performances 

2. 2010 Bucheon World Intangible Cultural Heritage Expo  

The Expo aims to provide its citizens with a variety of programs that are loaded with fun events that seamlessly blend traditional and modern art, as well as providing an educational juxtaposition of the Oriental and Western cultures. The programs include diverse traditional arts performances, exhibits of famous Korean and foreign artists, as well as public demonstration and experience programs. 

- Period : September 28 – October 12, 2010 
- Venue : Bucheon Visual Cultural Complex, Gyeonggi-do 
- Theme : Discovering the Future in Tradition 

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