Sunday 5 August 2012

unification of Korean peninsula.

If want to have fun, make new friends, meet interesting people while making a small contribution for the unification of Korean peninsula.

GPYC Korea Invites You To Join The Unified Korea Campaign

Want to do something different this time? Come join us from August 13th -15th and contribute in unified Korea Campaign. Students who will join us for 3days will go rafting on the 16th at Cheorwon, Gangwondo and take a trip to warzone! Students who do not have enough time can also apply to join for the 15th of August, but cannot join the rafting trip. Accomodation will not be provided.

Themes For Each Day

  • August 13: A day with North Koreans
  • August 14: A day with young children  
  • August15: GPYC with International Students

What Will You Do?

You will join Korean students and other international students in a campaign to collect signatures for a unified Korean Peninsula, hold pickets and wear costumes to grab attention and raise awareness for  Unified Korea. You will help to run the photo zone, video shows and help in the fundraising booth and side events like face painting, balloon arts and collect wishes for unification of Korean Peninsula.

How To Apply?

What Is GPYC?

GPYC stands for Global Peace Youth Corps and is active in Korea, the United States, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Mongolia. For more information visit:

Why International Students?

We want international students to have an oppurtunity to join Korean students and youths from other nations to contribute to raise awareness for the unification process.

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हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

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