Monday 14 May 2012

Guidelines about Internet submission of Visa Extension(D-4) and (D-2) in Korea

 the submission of Visa Extension Application form [D-4] and [D-2] can also be submitted through a Government for Citizen G4C website called "HI-KOREA".

To provide more convenience to International Students in Korea [ D-4, Student Visa ] and [D-2, Korean language training visa] while extending the sojourn period, your visa extension form can be submitted through Government for Citizens (G4C) website called HI KOREA (

1. Target Work : -Application for permitting extension of Sojourn, Student Visa (D-2) and (D-4) Visa Holders

2. Application Method - Find the attachments.

The Ministry of Justice has made it compulsory to register the fingerprints at the time of extending period of sojourn. Accordingly while applying for Sojourn period extension through Internet , fingerprints registration will also be confirmed.

If Fingerprints are found not registered, then Application for Sojourn extension will not be accepted through Internet.
Note: Those who are under 17 years of age are exempted from Fingerprints registration and also exemted from G4C(Governemt for Citizens support) .


Anonymous said...

Please post a screencap regarding the thread nor connect to the Imgur post within the feedback or post.

Anonymous said...

They may not be in a position to help it to or they may maybe
not understand what they are doing wrong/not doing appropriate.

हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

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