Monday 6 August 2012

TOPIK - An Introduction

TOPIK, or Test of Proficiency in Korean is a Korean language test offered four times annually to foreigners in Korea and twice annually to people studying Korean in other countries. TOPIK is administered by the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (Hangul: 한국교육과정평가원 Hanja: 韓國敎育課程評價院).The test was first administered in 1997 and taken by 2274 people. Initially the test was held only once a year.In 2009, 180,000 people took the test.[2] The Korean government introduced a law in 2007 that required Chinese workers of Korean descent who have no relatives in Korea to take the test so they could be entered in a lottery for visas.The test is divided into four parts: vocabulary & grammar, writing, listening, and reading. There is currently no oral section. Two versions of the test are offered: standard (S)-TOPIK and the business (B)-TOPIK. There are three different levels of S-TOPIK: beginner (초급), intermediate (중급), and advanced (고급). Depending on the average score and minimum marks in each section it is possible to obtain grades 1-2 in beginner, 3-4 in intermediate and 5-6 in advanced S-TOPIK. In B-TOPIK the scores in each section (out of 100) are added together to give a score out of 400. In addition to Korea, TOPIK is available in the following countries: Japan, Taiwan, China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Philippines, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Indonesia, Iran, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Azerbaijan, USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, Paraguay, Argentina, Germany, United Kingdom, Spain, Italy, France, Turkey, Czech Republic, Egypt, Belarus, Russia, Brazil and Cambodia.

For more info: visit -
source: Google wiki

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हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

हम चिंताओं, युद्धों, वैश्विक सुरक्षा दुविधा, विचारविहीन राजनीति, चरम स्तर पूंजीवाद, बहुध्रुवीय विश्व, अविश्वास और अवसरवाद से भरी दुनिया में...