Sunday 26 August 2012

Lab for Globalization of Korean Studies

Vyjayanti Raghavan (Associate Professor Korean Language, Literature & Culture Studies, JNU, New Delhi).

The Strategic Initiative for Korean Studies (SIKS) has itself been an innovative idea for initiating research in Korean studies.
It is committed to and has pioneered many excellent academic works around the globe in the field of Korean studies.
The recently launched Lab for Globalization of Korean studies is also one such innovative initiative which as the name suggests will be a lab for conducting research under the able guidance and direction of a Lab master who will bring together researchers of this area of study and also decide the topic of research.
The world has become far more interdependent now than ever before and it is only right that researchers of the same area of study are linked together for more productive, efficient and less duplication of research work.
In an era when Korea itself has gone global it is only right that Korean studies too become global to keep in tune with the growing interest in the area.
More than anything else, the funding of such globalization of Korean studies will ensure collective participation of researchers who may until now have had an interest but not had the funds to conduct meaningful research on Korea.
This initiative is innovative in that it will help simplify the procedure for conducting research by doing away with bureaucratic procedures and reams of paper work which have largely been responsible for procedural delays and for killing all incentive and motivation for research work.
It is innovative in that it no longer provides just an opportunity and financial aid for conducting research about Korea but will also initiate change in the subject matter to be studied and through that bring about a concurrent change in the global perception of Korean studies.
And which organization is better placed than the Academy of Korean Studies to provide such new models for innovation and experimentation?

Source: KSPS(Korean Studies promotion Service)

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