Sunday 7 May 2017

Launching Panel of Foreign Customers for the first time in Korean Financial arena

On April 12, Kookmin Bank (KB) launched panel for foreign customers in the financial world for the first time in order to understand the financial needs of foreigners and to develop and provide new services for them. The first panel consists of 12 panelists from different nationalities. Some of them are Counselors and Correspondents from Seoul Global Center. These panelists would speak for foreign customers in Korea.
     [Yun Jong Gyu, President of Kookmin Bank (eigth from the left) and Kim Nam Il, representative of Kookmin Bank minor enterprises  group( second from the left) and panelists/Photo:Kookmin Bank]
The appointment ceremony of panelists was held last Wednesday at 10 a.m inside the Headquarter of KB located in Myeongdong. According to Yun Jong Gyu, President of Kookmin Bank, the foreign panel would play an important role reporting on inconveniences, suggesting ideas about necessary financial services and extending opinion on entering the overseas market. Korea is an export-oriented country and observing the increase in number of the foreign residents, more open and global services are required in the current times, he emphasized. 
The KB panelists for multicultural and multinationals belong to different countries such as Russia, China, India, Bangladesh etc., have influential leadership qualities and critical abilities in their communities. The opinions and suggestions gathered from the Panelists during the advisory meetings for this year would be considered while improving the financial services.
Reported by: Ahmad , SGC Correspondent/ Bangladesh
Translated By: Sanjay Kumar, SGC Correspondent/ English

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