Monday 8 May 2017

Appointment Ceremony for the 6th Seoul Quality of Life Monitors at Seoul City Hall

The appointment ceremony and orientation for the 6th Seoul Living Monitors 2017 was held at Seoul City Hall on 18th of March 2017. It was the second orientation in a row after the first orientation held on Feb. 27. Monitors consist of 80 members in total, 70 foreign residents from 33 different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe etc., and 10 translators from Korea.
                                       Photo Courtesy: Multicultural division, Seoul Metropolitan Government
  According to the multiculturalism division of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Living Monitors Program has started with the vision to seek areas where foreign residents in Seoul face difficulties, to study successful policies of other countries and to propose plans to the Seoul Metropolitan Government for enhancing living conditions in Seoul. The Living Monitors would take initiative to improve areas related to tourism, medical, immigration education, public transportation, business, academics, safety, legal issues and other inconveniences by discovering excellent models from overseas and suggestions would be made and forwarded to the government for further action. Furthermore, they would make an on-site inspection, inform the relevant department and directly confirm about the action taken.
  As the monitors working in diverse fields, their areas of monitoring are also diverse. The results of the last year’s monitoring consist of installing cycle stands, using the same station names in different languages, marking bus information both in korean and english at Seoul Bus Station Transfer Center and marking the direction to destinations near the entrance. The program aims at interacting one another and making Seoul more globalized not only through monitoring but also through various programs such as health and safety education, discussion on human rights education for foreign residents, Korean history and culture, education etc.
 The coordinator of the program Hae Yeon Choi said that the foreign residents from 33 countries with different stories actively participated in this program appreciated the activities as a great chance to interact with one another.
Reported By: Luisa (SGC Correspondent, Uzbek)
Translated By: Sanjay Kumar( SGC Correspondent, English)

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