Wednesday 3 November 2010

Survey suggests G20 will improve Korea's image

A Korean daily newspaper, the Munwha Ilbo, carried out a survey that suggests the G20 summit will have a positive effect on Korea’s national image.
In the survey, 41.8 percent of respondents said that the G20 Seoul Summit will increase Korea’s standing in international society, and will be an opportunity for Korea to promote its image abroad.
In addition, 35.3 percent said the summit will generate economic benefits, and 16.7 percent said the summit will contribute to solving the North Korean nuclear issue.
When asked if they took pride in their Korean citizenship, 77.2 percent of respondents answered yes.
Asked to consider Korea’s political, economic, and social standing, 44.4 percent of people answered that Korea is joining the ranks of developed countries, and 37.3 percent said Korea had become an advanced nation.
Just over half the respondents said that Korea should carry out political reforms in order to develop Korea’s national image.

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