Sunday 7 November 2010

Polish TV introduces Korean food

Poland's national TV network Telewizja Polska (TVP) introduced Korean food, also known as Hansik, on one of its food programs recently.

Chef Karol Okrasa introduced Korean dishes like kimchi, bulgogi, and miyeokguk to Polish audiences on his weekly Saturday program, "Kuchnia z Okrasa (Kitchen with Okrasa)" on October 23.

Former Polish sprinter and current member of the International Olympic Committee Irena Szewinska also appeared on the show to give her impressions of bulgogi and kimchi.
Host Karol Okrasa (right), Irena Szewinska (center) and a Korean food expert enjoying traditional Korean tea. (Photo: Yonhap News)

Host Karol Okrasa (right) talks about Korean food with a Korean food expert. (Photo: Yonhap News)

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