Thursday 4 November 2010

Convenors of G-20: A short Introduction


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Victor Fung, the Chairman of Li & Fung Group, is a skilled strategist who transformed an ordinary trading company into one of the world’s largest sourcing companies through effective supply chain management. After receiving a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in electrical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Fung obtained his Ph.D. in business economics and worked as a professor at the Harvard Business School for four years. In 1976, he returned to his home, Hong Kong, to help run the family business.

Founded by Dr. Fung’s grandfather in Guangzhou in 1906, Li & Fung was a trading company that exported consumer goods from China and Hong Kong to Western markets. Armed with in-depth knowledge in economics and business, Mr. Fung began to transform the company’s business model.

He recognized the importance of global supply chains in the consumer product industry. For fashion apparel, for instance, production may account for 25% of the consumer price, with the rest attributed to logistics, distribution, marketing, restocking fees, and other costs. In other words, turning that 75% from cost to profit required effective distribution and inventory management, and also the ability to deliver products quickly so as to meet market demand in a rapidly changing world. Since Dr. Fung became Chairman of the Group, he has helped to cut the time required to fulfill an order from several months, down to 15 days.

To a large extent, this was made possible by using state-of-the-art IT tools to create an information and logistics management system. The system allows production to be broken down into multiple steps. Orders on each step are sent to different factories, manufactured at the same time, and sent to the point of assembly, to produce items which appear to have been made in one place. Li & Fung currently works with more than 15,000 factories in over 40 countries, and sells to leading retailers and international brands all over the world, including Wal-Mart. In doing so, the business has connected many small and medium sized enterprises to the global supply chain and international consumer markets.

Reporting annual sales of over 13 billion dollars in 2009, the company manages massive amounts of manufactured goods. In addition, the company utilizes its strength in fast delivery and asset-light business model to minimize working capital. Under his leadership, Li & Fung now has a market capitalization of over 17 billion dollars.

Aside from his business interests, Dr. Fung is keenly interested in global affairs, particularly global trade and the multilateral trading system. He was Chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, among his many public service roles. He has recently completed a term as Chairman of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce, and he remains Honorary Chairman of the ICC, as well as Chairman of the ICC Research Foundation. Learn more about his innovative business approach at the Seoul G20 Business Summit.

  • Scope of Business

  • Country
    Hong Kong, China

  • Li & Fung Group

  • Chairman

  • Picture
    HSBC is one of the world’s largest financial institutions and leading emerging markets bank, with some 8,000 offices in 87 countries and territories. Its Chairman, Stephen Green, is recognized as one of the most respected leaders in finance and has spoken widely on the importance of values, integrity and sustainability in business and banking.

    Mr. Green completed his studies at Oxford University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After working for the UK Ministry of Overseas Development and McKinsey & Company, he joined HSBC in 1982. Mr. Green joined the Board of HSBC Holdings plc in 1998 with responsibility of HSBC’s investment banking and corporate banking divisions, before being appointed Group Chief Executive in 2003 and Group Chairman in 2006. Under Mr. Green’s Chairmanship, HSBC has continued to anticipate the global economy’s shift from West to East and has expanded its international operations, with a particular focus on Asia and emerging markets.

    Mr. Green is the author of two books, with the latest “Good Value: Reflections on Money, Morality and an Uncertain World,” published in July 2009. Drawing on his extensive business experience, as well as his role as an ordained priest in the Church of England, he argues in “Good Value” that a dynamic market system remains critical to economic development and the future of people and the planet. However, a new form of capitalism must emerge from the crisis, overseen by an emerging global community of public interest and underpinned by a new morality.

    Mr. Green contributes to a range of industry bodies and non-profit and educational organizations, and is Chairman of the British Bankers’ Association and Deputy President of the Confederation of British Industry (CBI).

    • Industry

    • Country

    • HSBC

    • Chairman

    • 이력사항
      Bachelor of Arts, Oxford University, Exeter College(UK)
      Master´s degree, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
      1977~1982Consultant, McKinsey & Co.
      1995~1998Executive Director, HSBC
      2003CEO, HSBC
      2005Trustee of the British Museum
      2006~PresentGroup Chairman, HSBC
      Deputy President, Confederation of British Industry


    Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
    Doctorate in Business Economics, Harvard University (USA)
    1972~1976Professor, Harvard Business School
    1989~PresentGroup Chairman, Li & Fung Group
    1991~2000Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
    1999~2008Chairman, Airport Authority Hong Kong
    2008~PresentChairman, International Chamber of Commerce
    Ranked 10th richest in Hong Kong and 287th richest in the world by Forbes (Feb. 3, 2010)

    SK CEO
    Web Site
    Victor Fung, the Chairman of Li & Fung Group, is a skilled strategist who transformed an ordinary trading company into one of the world’s largest sourcing companies through effective supply chain management. After receiving a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in electrical engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mr. Fung obtained his Ph.D. in business economics and worked as a professor at the Harvard Business School for four years. In 1976, he returned to his home, Hong Kong, to help run the family business.

    Founded by Dr. Fung’s grandfather in Guangzhou in 1906, Li & Fung was a trading company that exported consumer goods from China and Hong Kong to Western markets. Armed with in-depth knowledge in economics and business, Mr. Fung began to transform the company’s business model.

    He recognized the importance of global supply chains in the consumer product industry. For fashion apparel, for instance, production may account for 25% of the consumer price, with the rest attributed to logistics, distribution, marketing, restocking fees, and other costs. In other words, turning that 75% from cost to profit required effective distribution and inventory management, and also the ability to deliver products quickly so as to meet market demand in a rapidly changing world. Since Dr. Fung became Chairman of the Group, he has helped to cut the time required to fulfill an order from several months, down to 15 days.

    To a large extent, this was made possible by using state-of-the-art IT tools to create an information and logistics management system. The system allows production to be broken down into multiple steps. Orders on each step are sent to different factories, manufactured at the same time, and sent to the point of assembly, to produce items which appear to have been made in one place. Li & Fung currently works with more than 15,000 factories in over 40 countries, and sells to leading retailers and international brands all over the world, including Wal-Mart. In doing so, the business has connected many small and medium sized enterprises to the global supply chain and international consumer markets.

    Reporting annual sales of over 13 billion dollars in 2009, the company manages massive amounts of manufactured goods. In addition, the company utilizes its strength in fast delivery and asset-light business model to minimize working capital. Under his leadership, Li & Fung now has a market capitalization of over 17 billion dollars.

    Aside from his business interests, Dr. Fung is keenly interested in global affairs, particularly global trade and the multilateral trading system. He was Chairman of the Hong Kong Trade Development Council, among his many public service roles. He has recently completed a term as Chairman of the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce, and he remains Honorary Chairman of the ICC, as well as Chairman of the ICC Research Foundation. Learn more about his innovative business approach at the Seoul G20 Business Summit.

    • Scope of Business

    • Country
      Hong Kong, China

    • Li & Fung Group

    • Chairman

    • E.E.O
      Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electrical Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (USA)
      Doctorate in Business Economics, Harvard University (USA)
      1972~1976Professor, Harvard Business School
      1989~PresentGroup Chairman, Li & Fung Group
      1991~2000Chairman, Hong Kong Trade Development Council
      1999~2008Chairman, Airport Authority Hong Kong
      2008~PresentChairman, International Chamber of Commerce
      Ranked 10th richest in Hong Kong and 287th richest in the world by Forbes (Feb. 3, 2010)
      Even Germany’s biggest bank was unable to avoid the global financial crisis, reporting its first full-year loss in 50 years in 2008. But in the following year, Deutsche Bank delivered a strong rebound with a net profit of five billion euros, reinforcing its position as a leading financial institution. Deutsche Bank’s “V-shaped recovery” was made possible by its Chairman, Dr. Josef Ackermann.

      CNBC, a U.S. business news channel, ranked Dr. Ackermann as the third most influential person on Wall Street in 2009, in recognition of his outstanding ability to restore Deutsche Bank’s profitability and performance. His keen insights and leadership skills also earned him the “Distinguished Business Leadership Award” in April 2010. In his role as Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Institute of International Finance, he served as a spokesman for the global banking community in difficult times of crisis.

      Dr. Ackermann studied economics and social sciences at the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. After earning his doctorate degree, he joined Schweizerische Kreditanstalt (SKA, now Credit Suisse) in 1977 and began building experience in diverse fields including corporate finance, foreign exchange management and corporate investment. Dr. Ackermann’s accomplishments at SKA paved the way to his subsequent appointment as Deutsche Bank’s first non-German chief executive in 2002. After taking office, he immediately pushed for bold restructuring in order to strengthen the bank’s operations and global competitiveness. In the first three years under Dr. Ackermann’s leadership, Deutsche Bank’s net profit increased by 87%.

      Through active management, Dr. Ackermann pursued M&As that were instrumental to the organization, while divesting the bank of its noncore businesses. Deutsche Bank was able to maintain its strong profile with a diversified business portfolio, thanks to the effectiveness of the strategies implemented. Besides expanding the bank’s activities, Dr. Ackermann also focused on risk management. According to experts, these were the key reasons why Deutsche Bank recovered so quickly from the financial crisis.

      At the same time, Dr. Ackermann strongly believes that investing in the stability and prosperity of society and local communities will bring new business opportunities. Deutsche Bank has been widely praised for dedicating 80 million euros annually to non-profit organizations fostering education, eco-friendly development, the arts and charitable causes, despite the recession.

      Dr. Ackermann will share his views on the sustainable growth of financial institutions this November in Seoul.

      • Industry

      • UK

      • Deutsche Bank

      • Chairman

      • E.E.O
        Doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
        1977Joined Schweizerische Kreditanstalt
        (Formerly Credit Suisse)
        1993President, Schweizerische Kreditanstalt
        2002Spokesman of the Management Board, Chairman of the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank
        2006~PresentChairman of the Management Board, Deutsche Bank
        Member of the Supervisory Board, Siemens AG
        Non-executive member of the Board of Directors, Royal Dutch Shell
        2010 Chairman of the Board of Directors, Institute of Int'l Finance
        2010 Co-Chairman of the Foundation Board, World Economic Forum

      Lakshmi N. Mittal, 59, is the Chairman and CEO of ArcelorMittal. Mr. Mittal founded Mittal Steel Company (formerly the LNM Group) in 1976 and guided its strategic development, culminating in the merger with Arcelor, agreed in 2006, to found the world’s largest steelmaker. Since the merger, Mr. Mittal has led a successful integration, establishing ArcelorMittal as one of the world’s foremost industrial companies. He is widely recognized for the leading role he has played in restructuring the steel industry towards a more consolidated and globalised model.

      Mr. Mittal is an active philanthropist and a member of various boards and trusts, including the boards of Goldman Sachs, EADS and ICICI Bank Limited. He is also a member of the Indian Prime Minister’s Global Advisory Council, the Foreign Investment Council in Kazakhstan, the International Investment Council in South Africa, the Investors’ Council to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the World Economic Forum’s International Business Council, the World Steel Association’s Executive Committee and the Presidential International Advisory Board of Mozambique. He also sits on the Advisory Board of the Kellogg School of Management in the United States and is a member of the Board of Trustees of Cleveland Clinic.

      Mr. Mittal began his career working in the family’s steelmaking business in India, and has over 35 years of experience working in steel and related industries. In addition to forcing the pace of industry consolidation, he has also championed the development of integrated mini-mills and the use of DRI as a scrap substitute for steelmaking. Following the transaction combining Ispat International and LNM Holdings to form Mittal Steel in December 2004, together with the simultaneous announcement of the acquisition of International Steel Group in the United States, he led the formation of the world’s then-leading steel producer. Subsequently, in 2006, under his leadership Mittal Steel merged with Arcelor to form ArcelorMittal.

      In 1996, Mr. Mittal was awarded ‘Steelmaker of the Year’ by New Steel in the United States and the ‘Willy Korf Steel Vision Award’ by World Steel Dynamics in 1998 for outstanding vision, entrepreneurship, leadership and success in global steel development. He was named Fortune magazine’s ‘European Businessman of the Year 2004’. Mr. Mittal was awarded ‘Business Person of 2006’ by the Sunday Times, ‘International Newsmaker of the Year 2006’ by Time Magazine and ‘Person of the Year 2006’ by the Financial Times for his outstanding business achievements. In January 2007, Mr. Mittal was presented with a Fellowship from King’s College London, the college’s highest award. He also received the 2007 Dwight D. Eisenhower Global Leadership Award, the Grand Cross of Civil Merit from Spain and was named AIST Steelmaker of the year. In January 2008, Mr. Mittal was awarded the Padma Vibhushan, India’s second highest civilian honor, by the President of India. In September 2008, Mr. Mittal was chosen for the third ‘Forbes Lifetime Achievement Award’, which honors heroes of entrepreneurial capitalism and free enterprise.

      Mr. Mittal was born in Sadulpur in Rajasthan, India on June 15, 1950. He graduated from St. Xavier’s College in Kolkata, where he received a Bachelor of Commerce degree. Mr. Mittal is married to Usha Mittal, and has a son, Aditya Mittal and a daughter, Vanisha Mittal Bhatia.

      • Industry

      • Country

      • ArcelorMittal

      • Chairman & CEO

      • E.E.O
        Bachelor of Commerce, St. Xavier's College (India)
        1976Founded Mittal Steel Company
        1992Acquired Lázaro Cárdenas
        2005Acquired ISG
        2006Merged with Arcelor
        PresentChairman of the Board of Directors & CEO,ArcelorMittal
        'Person of the Year 2006' by the Financial Times
        'International Newsmaker of the Year 2006' by Time Magazine
        'Forbes Lifetime Achievement Award' in 2008

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