Monday 1 November 2010

Dr. Pankaj Mohan: an eminent Indian Scholar of Korean Studies, a great Scholar who observed Korea from President Pak Chung Hee age till now.

Seventeen foreigners ― from an Austrian doctor of Oriental medicine to an Indian scholar devoted to Korean studies ― have been selected to become Seoul City’s honorary citizens, Wednesday.

Pankaj Mohan, historianSeventeen foreigners ― from an Austrian doctor of Oriental medicine to an Indian scholar devoted to Korean studies ― have been selected to become Seoul City’s honorary citizens, Wednesday.
They will receive an honorary citizenship certificate Thursday at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts. The 17 foreigners from 13 countries chosen this year raise the number of Seoul’s honorary citizens to 649, since the program began in 1958.

Pankaj Mohan is a historian from India, specialized in ancient Korea including the Three Kingdoms and the United Silla period. Currently, on leave from the University of Sydney, he works as a professor of Korean studies at the Academy of Korean Studies. Seoul Mayor Oh thanked the honorary citizens for playing active roles in the various fields of economy, culture and history. "These people raised the brand value of Seoul and enhanced the city's urban competitiveness. We will do our best to help them feel like Seoul is as comfortable as their hometown and live happily," Oh said through a press release.

Friday, October 29, 2010
2010 Seoul City’s honorary citizens
On October 27th 2010, seventeen foreigners were awarded the Seoul honorary citizenship certificate at the Sejong Center for the Performing Arts in Gwanghwamun.
The program Seoul honrray citizenship was initiated in 1958 and the total number of Seoul’s honorary citizens to date is 649.
Honorary citizenship is given to international residents who have resided in Seoul for more than three consecutive years or five cumulative years, in recognition of their contributions to the city and the local community, including being a role model to Seoul citizens as well as other foreign residents, according to the Seoul city government
And the 2010 winners are:
*Pankaj Mohan is a historian from India.
*Peter Bartholomew, vice president of the consulting company IRC (and also a French cruisader in the XIth Century). 
*Raimund Royer of Jaseng Hospital of Oriental Medicine is the first expatriate Oriental doctor in Korea.
*Didier Beltoise , general manager of the Grand InterContinental and COEX InterContinental Seoul.
*Kiyoshi Fujita of Chiben Gakuen, cgiarman of an academic institution in Japan with close ties with Korea.
According to the Notice of Recommendation for Honorary Citizenship of Seoul, the benefits for those honorary citizens are the following:
1.Conferred the medal, certificate and card of Honorary Citizenship of Seoul.
2.Appointed as member of various committees of the city government or invited to official events

3.Exempt from paying admission fees at Seoul Museum of Art, Seoul Museum of History, Seoul Grand Park and Children's Park.

판카즈 모한, '아름다운 도시 서울 발전 도모할 것'

Professor Pankaj Mohan delivering the Vote of Thanks at the 2010 Honorary Citizenship Ceremony

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