Sunday 15 August 2010

Ulsan City to install credit card reader in all taxis

The City of Ulsan is to install a credit card reader in all its taxis.

This will affect 4,196 taxis among the 5,796 taxis operating in Ulsan. The remaining 1,600 taxis already have a credit card reader. The installation of credit card readers will make things even more convenient for citizens.

All city taxis in Ulsan will carry a credit card reader by the end of this year, making it more convenient for Ulsan citizens.

The City of Ulsan plans to install a credit card reader in 4,196 taxis (2,838 privately owned taxis and 1,358 company taxis). This represents a significant portion of the total of 5,796 taxis operating in the city. To implement the changes the city will invest KRW 701 million (50% of the costs will be paid by the owners).

The remaining 1,600 taxis (Taehwagang Call: 800, Gorae Call: 800) already have credit card readers. Ulsan City plans to provide assistance to privately owned taxis and companies that want the credit card reader early.

An official from the municipal authority said, “Recently, many passengers are choosing to pay taxi fare using their credit card. That’s why we have decided to install credit card readers in all taxis.”

Meanwhile, since the introduction of ‘branded taxi (1,600 cars)’ last year, the number of credit card payments has greatly increased. In June, for example, 64,884 payments were made by credit card (KRW 390,806,000), a 180% increase from the previous year.

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