Sunday 29 August 2010

Stories of the Month

Major Events

1. Incheon International Digital Art Festival (INDAF) 2010

The festival will present new aesthetics of digital media art from cutting-edge international and Korean digital artists. There will be digital arts competitions, conferences, exhibitions, interactive displays etc.

- Period : September 1 – 30, 2010
- Venue : Tomorrow City, Songdo, Incheon

2. Media City Seoul 2010

As one of the three major art biennials in Korea alongside the Gwangju Biennale and Busan Biennale, it is the 6th Seoul International Biennale of Media Art. Under the theme "Trust," the biennale will present a wide spectrum of art works created through the inspiring fusion of media technology and contemporary arts.

- Period : September 7 – November 17, 2010
- Venue : SeMA (Seoul Museum of Art), Gyeonghigung etc.

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हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

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