Wednesday 12 April 2017

Volunteer Activity: Experiencing British Culture

  On March 25, a lecture named “Understanding British Culture” was delivered at Mapo Youth Center. The lecture was designed for primary school students with diverse programs such as presentation on the British Culture and the British traditional sports and British breakfast experience. A large number of students attended the lecture delivered by Paul Carver, the Head of Seoul Global Center.
The students could enjoy British delicacies for the very first time. The food was so delicious that English breakfast, tea and meatpie ran out in a moment. After having food, students played English sports games. They had happy time with playing British bulldog and cricket. while running and catching one another hands.
It was a wonderful volunteer program with which students were satisfied while attending the lecture on British Culture, trying British food and then experiencing the British sports.

Written By: Borambekhov Chingiz , SGC Correspondent/ Russian
Translated By: Sanjay Kumar, SGC Correspondent/ English

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