Tuesday 25 April 2017

내국인을 위한 고용센터에 외국인도 구직 신청 가능

한국 고용노동부의 고용센터는 내국인을 취업하는데 도움을 주기 위해 다양한 취업 지원 프로그램을 운영하고 있다. 현재 고용센터에서 외국인을 위해 취업 지원 프로그램이 따로 없지만 거주 비자 (F-2, F-4, F-5, F-6)를 소지한 외국인이라면 고용센터 취업팀에서 취업상담을 받을 수 있고 구직 신청도 할 수 있다                                                                                                                                   사진
                                  [사진: 서울 서부 고용센터 5층 취업팀 입구]

구직 신청 절차는 먼저 고용센터 취업팀을 방문하여 외국인등록증을 제시한 후에 상담을 받아야한다. 상담을 받은 후에 고용센터에서 제공하는 구직 신청서를 작성해서 취업팀 직원에게 제출하면 된다. 신청서에는 구직자의 개인 정보, 학력, 경력, 희망 직종 및 희망 연봉 등 기본 정보들을 기재해야한다.

411일 화요일 오후 2시 반쯤에 거주(F-2)비자를 소지하는 인도인 유학생 A(.29)와 방글라데시인 유학생 B(.34)가 서부 고용센터의 5층에 있는 취업팀을 찾아가 상담을 받은 후에 구직 신청을 하였다. 고용센터의 취업팀 직원이 구직 신청서의 기재된 정보를 바탕으로 이 두 명의 이력서를 고용센터에서 운영하는 취업포털 워크넷(www.work.go.kr)에 등록을 해주고 방글라데시인 유학생 B씨에게 맞는 구인 기업 2개를 추천해줬다. “워크넷을 통해서 국내 기업과 외국인 구직자랑 매칭이 되는 경우가 아직 많지 않지만 여러 취업 포탈을 통해서 여러 회사에 입사 지원을 하면 좋은 결과가 있을 것입니다라고 취업팀의 직원이 말하였다.

사람인과 잡코리아 같은 다른 일반 취업포탈과 달리 워크넷에는 구직자가 직접 등록을 할 수 없고 이 포탈의 운영자 고용센터의 직원을 통해서만 등록이 가능하다. 포탈에 등록이 완료된 후에 회원 가입하면 워크넷뿐만 아니라 다른 취업포탈에 올라오는 본인이랑 맞는 구인 광고도 한꺼번에 볼 수 있다. 참고로, 전국에 총 44개 고용센터가 있고 그 중에 7개의 고용센터가 서울에 있다.

한국에 체류하는 외국인의 수가 점점 늘어나고 있고 동시에 거주 비자 소지자도 증가하고 있다. 거주 비자 소지자들은 취업에 제한이 없지만 한국에서 일자리를 찾는데 많은 어려움을 겪고 있다. “고용노동부 고용센터에서 외국인전용 취업 지원 프로그램도 있으면 한국에서 취업을 희망하는 외국인에게 많은 도움이 될 것입니다라고 인도인 유학생 A씨가 말하였다.

서울통신원 영어담당 선저이 꾸마르 globalsanjaykumar@gmail.com

Tuesday 18 April 2017

금융권 최초 외국인 고객 패널 출범

 KB국민은행이 2017412일 국내 외국인고객들의 금용니즈를 파악하여 고객맞춤형 금용상품 개발 및 외국인고객에게 보다 더 나은 금용서비스를 제공하기 위해 금융권 최초 외국인고객 패널을 출범했다. 국적이 다양한 12명의 외국인으로 ‘KB 외국인고객 패널 1가 구성되었다. 구성원들 중에 서울 글로벌센터의 상담원과 통신원들도 있다. 이들은 국내 외국인고객들의 금용니즈 등 소비자 의견을 대변할 것이다.
[윤종규 KB국민은행장(왼쪽에서 여덟 번째)와 김남일 국민은행 중소기업금용 그룹 대표(왼쪽에서 두 번째) 및 패널 관계자들이 기념촬영을 하고 있다./사진=KB국민은행]

지난주 수요일 (2017412) 오전 10시에 KB국민은행 명동본점에서 발대식을 함으로써 ‘KB외국인고객 패널1의 공식적인 출발이 시작되었다. 발대식 참석자 윤종규 KB국민은행장은 “KB외국인고객 패널들은 금용서비스에 대한 불편한 사항, 본국에서 필요한 금용 서비스 아이디어, 해외 시장에 진출 시에 의견 제공 등 중요한 역할을 할 것이다고 말하였다. 은행장은 수출이 중요한 나라 한국과 지속적으로 증가하는 국내 거주 외국인을 고려해서 다문화와 다민족에 대한 이해가 높은 개방적인 사회의 필요성을 강조했다.
중국, 러시아, 인도, 방글라데시 등 다양한 국적을 가진 ‘KB외국인고객 패널은 각국 커뮤니티의 영향력이 높은 고객리더들이다. KB국민은행은 앞으로 1년간 패널들과 자문회의를 진행하면서 의견을 모아 금용상품 개발 및 금용서비스 개선에 반영하여 최적화된 서비스를 제공하겠다고 밝혔다.
서울글로벌 센터 외국인 통신원


Wednesday 12 April 2017

Volunteer Activity: Experiencing British Culture

  On March 25, a lecture named “Understanding British Culture” was delivered at Mapo Youth Center. The lecture was designed for primary school students with diverse programs such as presentation on the British Culture and the British traditional sports and British breakfast experience. A large number of students attended the lecture delivered by Paul Carver, the Head of Seoul Global Center.
The students could enjoy British delicacies for the very first time. The food was so delicious that English breakfast, tea and meatpie ran out in a moment. After having food, students played English sports games. They had happy time with playing British bulldog and cricket. while running and catching one another hands.
It was a wonderful volunteer program with which students were satisfied while attending the lecture on British Culture, trying British food and then experiencing the British sports.

Written By: Borambekhov Chingiz , SGC Correspondent/ Russian
Translated By: Sanjay Kumar, SGC Correspondent/ English

Tuesday 11 April 2017

1st Job Fair for Marriage Immigrants 2017

 On the occasion of this fair organized by Yeongdeungpo-gu Multicultural Family Support Center, 15 companies set up booths and directly recruited the applicants. 45 companies provided recruitment information on the spot and received online application. Most of the companies were seeking foreigners from streams translation, tour & travel, duty free and language related areas.  
                                                        Written By: Huong, Thi (SGC Correspondent, Vietnamese)

Friday 7 April 2017

Appointment Ceremony for the 6th Seoul Quality of Life Monitors at Seoul City Hall

 The appointment ceremony and orientation for the 6th Seoul Living Monitors 2017 was held at Seoul City Hall on 18th of March 2017. It was the second orientation in a row after the first orientation held on Feb. 27. Monitors consist of 80 members in total, 70 foreign residents from 33 different countries in Asia, Africa, Europe etc., and 10 translators from Korea.

 According to the multiculturalism division of Seoul Metropolitan Government, Seoul Living Monitors Program has started with the vision to seek areas where foreign residents in Seoul face difficulties, to study successful policies of other countries and to propose plans to the Seoul Metropolitan Government for enhancing living conditions in Seoul. The Living Monitors would take initiative to improve areas related to tourism, medical, immigration education, public transportation, business, academics, safety, legal issues and other inconveniences by discovering excellent models from overseas and suggestions would be made and forwarded to the government for further action. Furthermore, they would make an on-site inspection, inform the relevant department and directly confirm about the action taken.
 As the monitors working in diverse fields, their areas of monitoring are also diverse. The results of the last year’s monitoring consist of installing cycle stands, using the same station names in different languages, marking bus information both in korean and english at Seoul Bus Station Transfer Center and marking the direction to destinations near the entrance. The program aims at interacting one another and making Seoul more globalized not only through monitoring but also through various programs such as health and safety education, discussion on human rights education for foreign residents, Korean history and culture, education etc.
 The coordinator of the program Hae Yeon Choi said that the foreign residents from 33 countries with different stories actively participated in this program, appreciated the activities as a great chance to interact with one another.
Written By: Luisa/Uzbekistan (SGC Correspondent, Uzbek)
Translated By: Sanjay Kumar/India (SGC Correspondent, English)

Thursday 6 April 2017

Seoul Global Center - April Newsletter

1. The Second Term Korean Language Classes
 Duration of the Semester
- Regular Course : 5.20.(Sat) ~ 8.10.(Thu) / 12 weeks
- TOPIK Preparation Course : 5.20.(Sat) ~ 7.13.(Thu) / 8 weeks
* Please refer below for specific class schedule
Registration Schedule (first-come, first served; drop off only)
Regular Course
Placement Test and
                             Weekend class : 5. 13.(Sat)
4th and 5th floor, Seoul Global Center
                               Weekday class : 5. 14.(Sun)
TOPIK Preparation
Placement Test and
                            5. 13.(Sat) 15:00~16:30
4th and 5th floor, Seoul Global Center

How to apply : Visit and get a queue number Take the placement Test Fill out and submit the application form
- Regular course : Foreigner residents
- TOPIK preparation Course : Applicants of 53rd TOPIK (2017.7.16)
*C-3(short term/Tourist visa) holders or Minors are not eligible to apply
Class Size
- Regular Course : 17 persons per class ( 13 persons in daily
conversation class)
- TOPIK Preparation Course : 17 persons per class
Required documents
- Application Form
- ID Card (Passport or Alien Registration Card or Korean Registration Card)
- Consent form for personal information collection and use
- A copy of TOPIK score obtained in the last two years
(only those who have)
Class Schedule
- Classes will be decided based on results of the placement test
Name of the Class
General Course
Sat 10:00~11:30
Sun 10:00~11:30
Sat 12:00~13:30
Sun 12:00~13:30
Sat 14:00~15:30
Sun 14:00~15:30
Daily Conversation Class
Sat 14:00~15:30
Mon, Wed 10:00~11:30
Tue, Thu 12:00~13:30
Mon, Wed 10:00~11:30
Tue, Thu 12:00~13:30
Mon, Wed 12:00~13:30
Tue, Thu 10:00~11:30
Mon, Wed 19:00~20:30
Tue, Thu 19:00~20:30
Mon, Wed 12:00~13:30
Tue, Thu10:00~11:30
Daily Conversation Class
Mon 14:00~15:30
TOPIK Preparation
Sat, Sun 14:00~15:30
Sat, Sun 16:00~17:30
Sat, Sun 16:00~17:30
Tue, Thu 14:00~15:30
Tue, Thu 14:00~15:30
Tue, Thu 19:00~20:30

- Person in charge : Seoul Global Center Daily Living Consultation Team (02-2075-4180)
- Working hours : Mon~ Fri, 09~18(Lunch hours 12~13 PM)
- Email : sgcwekc@gmail.com 

2. (Open) Registration for Seoul Trade Academy for Foreigners

Seoul Trade Academy for Foreigners 


The Seoul City is running Seoul Trade Academy for Foreigners, a training program for foreigners designed to enhance their economic self- reliance as a trade expert and develop overseas market for exporters in Korea. Interested foreigners are welcomed to participate in this course.
* When they complete their course, 10 points required for Trade Visa (D-9-1) will be offered.
- International Trade Visa D-9-1 -
International Trade Visa is offered by the Ministry of Justice depending on your past trade record, expertise in the field of trade(relevant work experience or major (related area), certificate of specialized course in trade), experience as a foreign student in Korea, etc. If you get 60 points or more including the required 10 points, trade visa can be obtained after opening a trade business even without any trade record in the past.

Eligibility : Foreign residents interested in starting up a business including foreign students, marriage migrants and naturalized citizens)
Korean language ability of TOPIK Level 4 or equivalent is prerequisite.
Contents of the Course : Understanding of Immigration Rules and Regulations / Concepts of Trade / Flow of Import, Export, Trade Related Laws and Taxation / Trade Agreements / Transportation and Customs / Bill Payments in Practice / etc.
Period : In May (30 hours, 8 days in total)
Place : Seoul Global Center (Jongro) / Gangnam Global Business Center / Dongdaemun Global Center
Language: Korean
Course Fee : Free
For details, please refer to the Notice on the website(http://global.seoul.go.kr/)
How to Apply : through email or drop off
Period of Application: scheduled in April, 2017 ( Please refer to the Notice on the website
Required documents
- [Compulsory] Application form and consent form for personal information collection and use.
- [Compulsory] A copy of Alien Registration Card (front and back) Naturalized Citizens: A copy of Resident Card, Certificate of Naturalization (Basic Certificates etc.)
- [Optional] A copy of TOPIK score or the equivalent Certificate Applicants who do not have TOPIK score or the equivalent certificate will take a simple test for Korean language ability.
Completion Benefits
Completion Certificate will be offered (Standard for Completion: Attendance rate of 80% or higher ( 24 hours or more)
Required 10 points in expertize in trade will be given for International Trade Visa (D-9-1) offered by the Ministry of Justice.
Opportunities to participate in the support programs including 1:1 consulting, networking with distributor associations, etc.

Telephone : 02-6001-72412 (Gangnam Global Business Center)

3. Seoul Global Center Trade Visa Seminar
 International Trade Visa (D-9-1) Seminar

International Trade Visa is offered by the Ministry of Justice depending on your past experience in trade, expertise in the field of trade (relevant work experience or major, certificate of specialized course in trade), experience as a foreign student in Korea etc. If you get 60 points or more including the required 10 points, trade visa can be obtained after opening a trade business even without any trade records in the past.

To fulfill the curiosity related to obtaining International Trade Visa, Seoul Global Center Business Team is going to organize a seminar. Foreigners interested in trade visa or opening a business are welcomed to participate in this seminar.

- Date : scheduled in April
- Place : to be announced

Seoul Global Center Business Team / 02-2075-4113 / 6F, Seoul Global Center, Jong-ro 38, Jongro-gu.

4. Spring Flower Festival
Spring Welcome Events at Seoul City Park
Name of the Event
Namsan Park
Hwalsogi Festival, Namsan Mountain, Seokhojeong
May 27(Sat, expected)
Boramae Park
Boramae Park Children's Play Festival
May 5(Fri)
Seoul Forest
Seoul Forest Green contents Idea Contest
March- June(weekend)
Seoul Forest Flower Festival
April 21(Fri)~ April 23(Sun)
Seoul Forest Youth Relay Race
May 20(Sat)
Citizen's Forest
Citizen's Forest Music Excursion (spring)
Children's Grand Park
Children's Day Festival
Spring Flower Festival
World Cup Park
Children's Day Event
May 5(Fri)
Water Side Music Concert
Cheonho Park
6th Cheonho Park Azalea Festival
April~May (expected)

Spring Flower Festivals throughout Korea
Name of the Event
Everland Tulip Festival
Everland-ro 199, Phogok-eup, cheoin-gu,Yongin-si, Gyeonggido
March 16~April 23
Sinan Tulip Festival
Daegirisan 327-2, Imja-myeon , Sinan-gun Jeollanam-do
April 7~April 16
Taean World Tulip Festival
Nature World, Shino-ri , Nam-myeon Taean-gun Chungcheongnam-do
April 13~ May10
Sejong Jochiwon Peach Blossom Festival
Munyehwegwangil 22, Jochiwon-eup Sejong Metropolitan City Municipality
April 15~April 16
Phiseul-san Weyrich's Azalea culture heritage
Hyuyangrim-gil 230, Yuga-myeon, Dalseong-gun, Daegu
April 22~ April 30
Goyang International Flower Exhibition
Hosu-ro 595 , Ilsandong-gu , Goyang-si Gyeonggi-do
April 28~ May 14
Gunpo- Royal Azalea Flower Festival
Sanbon-dong 1152-10 (Royal Azaleas Hill · Yangji Park), Gunpo-si, Gyeonggi-do,
April 28~April 30
Hapcheon Hwangmaesan Mountain Royal Azalea Festival
Dunnae-risan Mountain 219-24, Gahoe-myeon, Hapcheon-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do
April 30~ May14
The Garden of Morning Calm Spring Trip Festival
Sumokwon-ro 432, Sang-myeon Gapyeong- gun Gyeonggi-do
April 16~ May 31

Written by: SGC Correspondents


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