Tuesday 13 May 2014

이제는 다문화 시대“다문화강사로서 자신감 생겼어요

``글로벌+로컬(글로컬)' 상호 지향의 하모니'를 주제로 2주간 6회에 걸쳐 진행된 2014 하이원 다문화강사 중부권 소양교육이 8일 수료식을 갖고 42명의 강사를 배출했다.

이번 교육은 강원일보 사회복지법인 함께사는 강원세상(이사장:이희종 강원일보사장)과 하이원리조트, 도가 주최하고 (사)강원한국학연구원(원장:유성선)이 주관한 가운데 진행됐다.

강의 기간 한국의 다문화 상황과 다양한 한국어 표현 및 문화소통을 위한 대화법 등의 프로그램들은 다문화가정이 적응할 수 있도록 돕는 도우미로서의 역량을 갖추도록 했다. 또 강원한국학 연구원 전산담당 강사진들은 실생활에서 필요한 다양한 컴퓨터 활용기법을 전수해 호응을 얻었다.

배세은(여·26·원주시·베트남명:프엉 티빗튀)씨는 “한국과 이웃나라의 문화를 자세히 이해할 수 있는 기회가 돼 감사하며 강사역할을 잘 할 수 있다는 자신감이 생겼다”고 말했다.

함병식 함께사는 강원세상 사무국장은 “다문화 가정의 자녀들이 자부심을 가질 수 있도록 하는 데에도 큰 의미가 있다”고 말했다.

자료: (사)강원한국학연구원

Sunday 11 May 2014

결혼이주여성 다문화 강사로 활동한다

이제는 다문화 시대]“강의기법 열심히 배워 다양한 문화 전파할게요”

2014년 하이원과 함께하는 다문화강사 소양교육이 28일부터 시작됐다.

이번 교육은 강원도에 거주하게 될 결혼이주여성들이 빠른 시일 내에 지역에 적응하도록 하기 위해 이들의 교육을 담당하게 될 강사들을 대상으로 진행된다.

강원일보 사회복지법인 함께사는 강원세상과 하이원리조트, 도가 공동으로 주최하고 (사)강원한국학연구원이 주관하는 이번 교육은 홍천종합사회복지관에서 양구 속초 인제 홍천 춘천 횡성 등 중부권 결혼이주여성 신청자 55명을 대상으로 2주간 총 6회에 걸쳐 진행된다.

내용은 다문화강사의 역할과 의미, 한국어 표현과 연습, 교육현장에서의 강의기법, 표정·자세 연출 및 제스처 연습 등이다. 또 29일부터는 정선군다문화가족지원센터에서 폐광권역인 영월과 정선, 삼척, 태백지역에서 모두 31명의 결혼이주여성이 참여한다.

이들도 한국의 다문화 상황과 사회통합, PPT 활용 및 교안 작성법 등을 교육받으며, 모두 5회차에 걸쳐 교육현장에서의 강의기법과 스피치, 엑셀 등 컴퓨터 활용법 등의 교육도 이루어진다.

사회복지법인 함께사는 강원세상 관계자는 “도내 각급 교육기관과 다양한 문화·복지시설에서 활동할 수 있는 강사의 기본적인 소양을 갖추는 소중한 기회가 될 것”이라고 말했다.
source: Kangwon Research Institute of Korean Studies(강원한국학연구원)

이제는 다문화 시대]“결혼이주여성의 든든한 선생님 될게요

◇하이원과 함께하는 다문화강사 폐광권 소양교육 수료식이 9일 정선다문화가족지원센터에서 열려 31명의 수료생을 배출했다.
2014년 하이원과 함께하는 다문화강사 폐광권 소양교육이 지난달 29일부터 2주일 동안 총 6회에 걸친 일정을 모두 끝내고 31명의 수료생을 배출했다.

강원일보 사회복지법인 함께사는 강원세상과 하이원리조트, 도가 공동주최하고 (사)강원한국학연구원이 주관하는 이번 소양교육에는 폐광권역인 영월과 정선, 삼척, 태백지역에서 모두 31명의 결혼이주여성이 참여해 다문화강사로서 갖춰야 할 소양을 쌓는 계기를 마련했다.

특히 한국의 다문화 상황과 문화소통을 위한 다양한 대화법 등 다문화가정이 한국문화에 적응할 수 있도록 돕는 도우미로서의 역량을 갖추도록 했다.

또 엑셀 및 PPT 활용, 교안 작성법 등 다양한 컴퓨터 활용기법은 다문화강사의 역할을 수행하는 데 큰 도움이 될 전망이다.

스미리티(여·25·정선군 북평면·네팔)씨는 “필리핀, 베트남, 중국 등 다른 나라의 문화까지 이해하고 한국문화에 대해 더 자세히 이해하는 기회가 됐다”며 “배운 지식을 다른 다문화가정에 알릴 수 있다는 자신감도 생겼다”고 말했다.

source: Kangwon Research Institute of Korean Studies(강원한국학연구원)

How India can adopt Korea model to boost manufacturing

How India can adopt Korea model to boost manufacturing
 The Indian economy bears a striking resemblance to the South Korean economy of 1970s and a few vital steps to boost manufacturing should set the country on a high-growth path, a report by Goldman Sachs concludes.
“Over the 1970s and 80s, Korea improved its growth environment significantly, especially its micro environment, leading to a 14-fold increase in manufacturing output in 20 years,” analysts in economics research report write in the report titled ‘How India can become the next Korea’.
“If India were to emulate the Korean model and grow manufacturing at the same rate as Korea’s in the 1970s and 80s, we calculate it could add 1.4 percentage points to its GDP growth annually for the next decade.”
The Korea model was based on a single-minded focus by the government on developing export-led manufacturing, they write.
“This was encouraged by cheap land and infrastructure through industrial parks, reducing red tape and the cost of doing business, tax benefits and flexible labor laws for manufacturing firms, and cheaper power to industry than to consumers.”
India versus Korea
In the early 70s, the manufacturing sector’s share in India’s gross domestic product stood at 14 percent and stays at the around the same number even today.
While Korea’s output as a share of GDP grew from less than 10 percent then to over 30 percent today.
How do various conditions that are vital for success of manufacturing activity stack up for India today compared to the Korea of 1970s?
“We thought that there might have been initial conditions that were favorable to Korea. To our surprise, we found that the scores were fairly similar,” analysts write.
According to Goldman Sachs Growth Environment Scores, both countries are similar to each other in the different timeframes.
“India’s per capita income currently (about USD 4,000 in purchasing power parity terms) is similar to that of Korea in the early 1970s, in purchasing power parity terms,” the analysts point out.
Macroeconomic conditions including openness to trade and investment were quite similar. The micro environment was also similar, while in human capital, Korea was considerably weaker than India currently but macroeconomic stability is where India scores much lower than Korea.
“From the early 1970s, Korea made rapid gains in its growth environment scores. The biggest improvements were in the microeconomic environment, though it also made further progress on human capital and on the macroeconomic front.”
What did Korea do?
“In Korea, the push for manufacturing was driven by the government, especially in the 1960s. With a strong leadership, the government focused on removing bottlenecks and incentivizing manufacturing,” the report says.
“There was a realization that Korea was labor abundant but deficient in capital, so the focus was on labor-intensive manufacturing. There was an early recognition that export-led manufacturing could lead to rapid increases in productivity, and there could be increasing returns to scale due to a much larger export market. This government focus on export-led industrial growth as the main economic objective was critical in our view.”
In India, thus far, the single-minded focus on export-led manufacturing growth is missing.
“The agriculture and services sectors, which have been relatively lightly taxed and often the recipients of large government subsidies, have been preferred over industry,” the report says.
What should India do?
The report lays out a seven-point agenda that the Indian government should pursue to boost its manufacturing growth, similar to how Korea did in the 1970s.
1. Government focus on manufacturing as primary objective
The Korean government emphasized labor-intensive, export-led manufacturing as the key objective of economic policy starting from the 1960s in order to increase productivity and use its abundant resource, labor. The sectors that drove manufacturing growth were labor intensive – textiles, garments, wood etc.
2. Low fiscal deficit
This needs to be the starting point for greater macro stability, and to reduce crowding out of the private sector. It also provides space for government spending on infrastructure.
3. Develop effective industrial parks
If the government provided infrastructure, land were made available to industry at below market prices, there are strict conditions on usage of land for industrial purposes only, greater labor flexibility, favorable tax treatment, and single-window clearance for all permits, as Korea did in its industrial parks, then it could allow for agglomeration benefits and economies of scale.
4. Reduce cost of doing business
This involves cutting bureaucratic red tape to reduce the number of permits and administrative costs to setting up a business, construction approvals, getting electricity, and enforcing contracts. Korea significantly improved its business climate in the 1970s and 80s.
5. Flexible labor laws
Korean policy was focused on job creation and training, rather than protecting those who are employed. Activities of labor unions were restricted, and minimum wage legislation not adopted till 1988.
6. Tax policy to encourage industry
Korea provided tax benefits to encourage capital accumulation; incentives were provided to exporters and foreign direct investment, and exemptions granted to interest income on deposits and government bonds. Real estate taxation was strengthened to discourage real estate speculation by manufacturing companies.
7. Subsidize power for industry

Korea made power available to industry at lower rates compared to consumers. In India, the opposite is currently the case.


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