Friday 21 May 2010

University festival Culture in Korea

In The University festival in Korea mainly two types of events are organised:

1) Main stage performances where students from different departments of the University and some famous celebrities from Korea takes part as Singers and Dancers.

2)The second event is organised by making tents(where beer,wine and different kinds of drinks are sold by the volunteer students of the activity clubs inside the university campus(usually beside the main stage).The students drink wine and enjoy the cultural events with their friends.

This was my first time to attend a University Festival in Korea, organized by the Wonkwang University (Jeolldo, Iksan) Students. I enjoyed a lot with my Korean friends as well as (NIIED) scholars from different parts of the world. Different kinds of Korean foods, ,intersting games, cultural performances etc .were managed by the Wonkwang University students. We all compared the various activities of this event and compared with our home countries. Everybody appreciated this and showed their immense interest after having lots of fun and interaction with the Korean students. I find Korea very active in this kind of University activities as India.

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