Thursday 18 January 2018

블로그체인관련 세미나, KT스퀘이에서 열린다

  2018 1 19(), 광화문 KT스퀘이에서 China Challengers Day 란 주제로 블로그체인관련 세미나가 열렸다. 관계자 내외 약 300병을 포함한 이 세미나에서 기술로서의 전세계 블로그체인의 현황, 중국에서의 블로그체인의 열풍과 가상화폐의 미래에 대한 논의가 진행되었다. 주요 기제 발표자로서 KIC 중국, Coin Time KoreaOK코인 대표가 참여하여, 앞으로 블로그체인의 전망과 디지털시대에서의 이의 가치관과 발전 가능성에 대해 낙관적 시각을 표하였다. 중국에서 이미 대규모로 날로 확대되고 있는 블로크체인과 가상화폐 사업은 한국에서 아직 초기단계에 머물려 있다는 것은 세미나의 내용으로 파악될 수 있었다.

 KIC China대표의 주장으로 한국은 제품 수출의 무역을 통하여 산업화의 업적을 이룩하였는데 현재와 미래는 제품의 무역보다도 서비스 무역을 중요시하여 관한 사업을 지속적으로 개발해야 된다. 그는 kakao Line의 사례로 한국시장의 제한성을 밝혀 인구가 많은 국가인 중국에서의 사업모델의 대성공이 되는 원인을 인구에서 찾았으며, 또한, Line의 빠른 성장을 위해 일본이 활용한 국가브랜드전략을 주목하기도 했다.

Coin Time대표는 블로그체인은 다양하고 많은 서비스사업을 갖고 있는데 앞으로 이 중에서 성공할 사업도 많을 것이고 실패할 사업도 있을 것인데 자유, 긍정과 혁신을 통하여 뻗어나가야 되는데 이 신기술 분야에서 한국의 위치는 독자적이지 않다는 입장이다.   

 이어서 OK Coin대표의 발표도 진행되었으며, 중국에서 OK코인의 현재 이루고 있는 업적 앞으로의 발전 가능성에 대해 말씀을 나눴다.   마지막으로 질의 응답 세션이 있었는데 대부분의 질문은 블로그체인의 기본적 역할과 전망을 다루었거나 비트코인과 블로그체인 기술에 대한 정부의 규정과 기준이었다.

OK코인 대표의 관점을 정리하면 비트코인이 결재보다 디지털 자산으로 인식할 필요가 있다. 다음 세미나는 2 5일에 계획되어 있다.

Sanjay kumar
(선저이 꾸마르)

Tuesday 12 December 2017

Korean Language Learning and Conversation

 The importance of language learning as an indispensable means of communication cannot be over- emphasized. The history of language as a means of communication is as old as the history of mankind. Language is a legacy that has been passed on from generation to generation. However, getting to be fluent in any language initially requires interest, effort and practice. The Korean language is not an exception. 

The Korean language is one of the most recently developed languages and it is said to be a scientific language. With some inputs from Chinese language and recently from English language, it is fast becoming a language that is spoken by many nationalities.

“Hallyu” which is a term in Korean language that means a growing popularity of Korean movies and TV dramas across Asia has also immensely contributed to growing pace of the language. Due to its simple characters with 21 vowels and 19 consonants and their distinct sounds it is simple for a foreigner to quickly grasp and hence can easily read .Pronunciation may seem difficult at first but becomes quite easier later. As a graduate of Korean language, literature and culture studies, I have come to appreciate the language and its People.

 Like any other languagelearning Korean as a second language may initially seem difficult but soon becomes quite interesting once stated. We must resist the temptation of being afraid of making mistakes, as nobody is perfect in the initial stage of learning any language. Speak as much as you can but also take time to listen. A popular Korean maxim states”얼굴이 다르듯이 생각도 다르다” which means as the  faces of people are different, so are their thoughts. Some people are very expressive while others may be inexpressive. This may be due to lack of confidence and can be a barrier to learning a language. I find that committing to memory the basic everyday expressions and greetings as well as the patterns. Afterwards we can then treat each aspects of grammar to be practiced and improved upon. Practical benefit derived from conversation with the native Korean speakers is the learning of both the language and culture of Korea. Since language emerges from culture.

In conclusion, making an appreciable progress in the learning of the learning language starts with a keen interest in the language. Thereafter, with effort and continuous practice and without the fear of making mistakes in speaking, somebody can quickly and easily become a proficient Korean speaker.

Research Professor, GKI

Sunday 24 September 2017

인도관련 비즈니스 정보, 통역, 번역, 여행에 대한 정보


인도에서 온 선저이 꾸마르입니다. 인도관련 비즈니스 정보, 통역, 번역, 여행에 대한 정보가 필하면 언제든지 연락하시기를 바랍니다.

저의 연락처는 010-2349-6001 입니다.

Thursday 22 June 2017

Rotaract Sports Festival for Foreign Workers

 On Saturday, May 28, Sports festival for foreigners was held at the Grand stadium of Suwon University. The festival has been organized by Rotaract club for the last sixteen years for a purpose of eliminating perception about the foreign workers and of helping them adapt to Korea.
[Picture of foreign participants from all over the World along with the members of Rotaract club members]
 The sports event officially started around 10 a.m after the opening speech of the president of Rotaract club. Afterwards, foreign workers and volunteers from Rotaract club of Suwon University enjoyed playing soccer, volley ball and other games.

[Picture: President of Rotaract club addressing the participants during opening ceremony]
 Foreign workers and their families from Phillipines, Uzbekistan, Nepal, etc. participated in this year's sports festival.

[Picture: A multicultural family participating in the festival ]
 There was no participation fee and all the participants were provided lunch for free. Moreover, many prizes were also awarded based on the performance.
Translation: Sanjay Kumar (SGC Correspondent)

Delightful Festival for CIS Kids

On May 28, a festival for children was organized at Mokjeong Park in celebration of Children’s Day of CIS countries. CIS countries do celebrate Children’s Day like Korea, but the date is different. It is celebrated on June 1st   whereas one in Korea is on May 5th.
It is for third time that a festival for Children’s Day for CIS kids was organized in Seoul.Thanks to the efforts of the ‘KIMushki’, Children Culture Club of Russia and Central Asia, the performances have become diverse and the number of participants has also increased.
Along with the delightful concerts, toys, and medical goods are also donated to the  families in need. Accordingly, the children who are unable to participate in the festival can also feel the warmth of Children’s Day.
 By: Karmanova Evgeniia,  SGC Correspondent (Russian) 
 Translation: Sanjay Kumar , SGC Correspondent (English)

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Africa Festival 2017: Africa, We are all friends

On Sunday May 5th, Seoul Africa Festival was held on the pedestrian street in front of , Dongdaemun Design Plaza(DDP) from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.
This year's festival was divided into six zones, such as the community zone with Africa related organizations; market zone for selling Africa related goods; friends zone with embassies of African nations; culture zone for experiencing African culture etc, and knowledge zone consisting exhibitions and lectures. Although the duration of the event was short , it attracted a large number of foreign residents from different countries.
 When you enter the entrance you can see that different sales booth and the embassy booths of some of the African countries are set up on both sides of the street. The embassy booths offered information on tourism and culture of the respective countries, while traditional food and various delicate handicrafts could be bought from the sales booths. A wide variety of traditional activities such as trying on traditional attire and hair styles, drawing and tasting African wine were provided for free. Especially, in the middle of the festival street, there was a concert stage and many more interesting activities could be enjoyed for free. Especially, in the mid of pedestrian street, there was a concert stage and diverse performances such as story telling, traditional songs of Korea and Africa, fashion show were staged from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. In addition, Djembe , the exciting/ soulful African traditional drum experience programs were continuously provided.
Many active organizations participated in this event. Seoul Global Center set up a booth to introduce services offered to foreign residents. The booth also provided simple pamphlets as well as counselling on various issues and pamphlets.
One of the participants of the event Vietnam said, " I go to know a lot about Aftrican nations and felt like I was doing something worthwhile by donating to welfare organization. Also, I saw some wonderful African sceneries in the photo exhibition and after seeing them I have decided to plan to go for a tour to Africa". 
Sanjay Kumar( SGC Correspondent, English)



Friday 19 May 2017

International Spring Festival at Seoul Dwight International School

On May 13, International Spring Festival was held at Seoul Dwight International School. As the festival started at 10 am, the people started gathering. Until 11 am most of the crowd were students, however, as the time progressed, huge crowd of about 300 persons including parents, teachers and people related to the festival could be observed.
         Inside view of the sports ground in the school    
 Photo: Seoul Global Center
 On this occasions such as World food festival, many traditional games, airbounce and outdoor games were also organized in the school premises and it could be easily participated only by visiting the tents. The parents spent quality time with the children and it was amazing to see them enjoying food of different countries during the lunch.
Greenpeace activists conveying the importance of saving environment
Photo: Seoul Global Center
The children showed interest in recovering the global warming issues and visited the Greenpeace tent while some of the products flea market attracted the children as well. However, world food festival having foods from more than 15 countries was most popular event among the parents as well as the students. They enjoyed foods from countries such as Australia, India, Turkey, France, Pakistan, Koream Neitherland, Canada, Philippines, Thailand, Italy, Japan etc.
 Visitors enjoying a happy visit to the fair Photo: Seoul Global Center
Apart from these, juice corner, advertisements of language training, jumbo dance, clothes and dentist also set up tents. Seoul Global Center offered a free jagae making experience and became very popular among the children. The children showed lot of interest in making the Korean jagae. One of the children among them said, "This experience is very interesting. I am so happy to receive a gift too" and attained affection from his parents. During the festival, it was possible to meet foreign teachers of Dwight International School followed by various programs such as shool tour, art and crafts etc. The book fair consisted of many books ranging from Harry porter to cartoons. The Flea market attracted attention because of the availability of many useful products of daily life such as books, gifts, cartoon books, pottery etc.
       Parents and students enjoying jumbo dance Photo: Seoul Global Center
The jumbo dance was enjoyed on the tunes of lively music and people had lots of fun trying the jumbo dance. It was a global cultural environment in a pleasant weather and observing the number of visitrs, it can be said that the event made feel the essence of globalisation.
Sanjay Kumar, 
Correspondent , Seoul Global Center

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