Thursday 22 June 2017

Rotaract Sports Festival for Foreign Workers

 On Saturday, May 28, Sports festival for foreigners was held at the Grand stadium of Suwon University. The festival has been organized by Rotaract club for the last sixteen years for a purpose of eliminating perception about the foreign workers and of helping them adapt to Korea.
[Picture of foreign participants from all over the World along with the members of Rotaract club members]
 The sports event officially started around 10 a.m after the opening speech of the president of Rotaract club. Afterwards, foreign workers and volunteers from Rotaract club of Suwon University enjoyed playing soccer, volley ball and other games.

[Picture: President of Rotaract club addressing the participants during opening ceremony]
 Foreign workers and their families from Phillipines, Uzbekistan, Nepal, etc. participated in this year's sports festival.

[Picture: A multicultural family participating in the festival ]
 There was no participation fee and all the participants were provided lunch for free. Moreover, many prizes were also awarded based on the performance.
Translation: Sanjay Kumar (SGC Correspondent)

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