Thursday 22 June 2017

Delightful Festival for CIS Kids

On May 28, a festival for children was organized at Mokjeong Park in celebration of Children’s Day of CIS countries. CIS countries do celebrate Children’s Day like Korea, but the date is different. It is celebrated on June 1st   whereas one in Korea is on May 5th.
It is for third time that a festival for Children’s Day for CIS kids was organized in Seoul.Thanks to the efforts of the ‘KIMushki’, Children Culture Club of Russia and Central Asia, the performances have become diverse and the number of participants has also increased.
Along with the delightful concerts, toys, and medical goods are also donated to the  families in need. Accordingly, the children who are unable to participate in the festival can also feel the warmth of Children’s Day.
 By: Karmanova Evgeniia,  SGC Correspondent (Russian) 
 Translation: Sanjay Kumar , SGC Correspondent (English)

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