Friday 17 May 2013

Are you interested in trip to Dokdo?

Are you interested in trip to Dokdo?

The Korean National Council for Conservation of Nature(Knucn) invites foreign students to experience Korean ecological environment and culture as people-to -people diplomacy. Don't miss the chance to visit Dokdo island for FREE!

○ Applicant : foreign students studying in Korean domestic university
who registered this semester including May, 2013.
(who can speak Korean, no interpreter)

○ Date : 24th(Mon)~26th(Wed) June, 2013, 2nights 3days

○ Expense : Free (Fully supported by Knucn)

○ Requirement : one Application form, one certificate of studentship

○ How to submit : e-mail(, FAX 02)757-1629
※ Title (2013 dokdo trip)
File Name (Your school_Name, ex: oo university_PSY)

○ Deadline : 16th May(Thur) ~ 10th June(Mon), 2013

○ Final Participant : 100 people

○ Announcement : 14th June(Fir), 2013, notice on Knucn Homepage or personal call

○ Sponsored by Dong-A Ggumnamu Foundation, Ministry of Environment,

○ Program
- Special lecture
Nature and history of Dokdo(Knucn President, Lee Su Kwang)
- Experience the ecological environment
Ulleungdo tour(Including tracking)
Dokdo tour
- Recreation game
- submit the note about what you think and feel during visit.
after trip, publish a book with all participant's note.

* Schedule to be arranged.
* You can't apply this trip if you have already participated in previous.

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