Tuesday 20 July 2010

My experience in Jeollabukdo

Friends,Today I am going to introduce you about two places located in Jeollabukdo"a beautiful province of South Korea which is having lots of scenic beauty and nature,the most fertile land in South Korea.
jellabuk-do Brand

I have passed my precious and unforgettable 9 months.I came here last year in Wonkwang University as a Korean Government Scholarship Student(NIIED).I have to go to Kangwon National University located in "Chuncheon" after this month but Believe me I got so much associated to this place, its culture and its kind and nice hearted people that I have started missing this place before leaving.Being an Indian during my beginning days here I was completely not familiar with Korean food.But right now due to this place's delicious food sometime I go outside and enjoy Korean food.
Anyways, I would like to start with some tourist attractions of this place which I have visited:First of all I am starting with "Gunsan" - the island of heavenly Nature and Rich Culture.

I got the opprtunity to visit this awesome place this month from World Students in Korea,Presidential council on Nation Branding. We visited Hyundai's new plant here and enjoyed the delicious sea food there.After that day too, I visited Geumgang river bank which is very famous for enjoying fishing and bird watching in the wintertime.The field of the reeds along the river's upperstream is also one of the major attraction of this place especially for seekers of romance.
Secondly, It is the turn of "Jeonju"(the home of Korea's top food)which I have visited several times after coming to Korea but among all those times exploring this place with World students in Korea(Presidential council on Nation Branding) was the best experience ever to this place.We shared almost every experience associated with this place including a night stay in Jeonju hanoak village-The traditional Korean House village.

Hakindang Hanok by randomwire.
I got very surprised after seeing thea awesome Korean traditional Hanoak village where all the houses are Korean traditional houses in this fast and moribund urbanised era.It was a totally different experience for me to have a night stay in that traditional house.I was feeling the Korean Culture that time.I also had a long talk with a Korean Uncle(아저씨)who explained me many things about this village.That uncle became our friend and he offered us(foreign students)traditional Korean tea too.We enjoyed Korean traditional tea, in a Korean traditional pot, and of course in a Korean traditional house.We felt that we are in different century of Korea i.e the Ancient Korea.The top quality taste and local flavour of Jeonju is represented by Jeonju "Bibimbap"which was counted among the three best foods of Joseon dynasty.It is made of more than 30 ingredients added by Balanced nutrition.

정말 맛있겠다!wow its delicious!

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