Monday 17 February 2020

Korea to develop financial data exchange ecosystem

Korean government is set to run a financial data exchange platform this year in march. In order to accelerate the financial industry’s digital transformation, the financial services commission(FSC) of Korea will set up a financial security institute that will provide innovation data exchange solutions while ensuring the security and safety of data transactions. Data convergence management, evaluation of pseudonymised information , safety and security in data exchange will be major goals of this  specialized agency. Financial industry is one of the sectors where the use of big data is most active because of the high linkages to other sectors and accuracy of data. Last year in June, the FSC announced its plan to establish financial big data infrastructure tofacilitate the use of big data in the financial sector. 

                                          [Image source:]

Further to this development, revision of Credit Information Use and Protection act was passed recently in January 2020 by the National Assembly of Korea which is expected to expand the level of supply and demand in data marketplace and promote safety and security in data distribution. In the press release published on Jan 21, the FSC has confirmed the establishment of a public-private joint council led by the FSC and composed of financial institutions and fintech firms. This public-private joint council is to operate working groups of supply &demand , guidelines to establish standards on procedures data excanhge and the policy support in data exchange.

Data industry experts are seeing this move as major facilitator that would provide an appropriate standard for the pricing of data.

[Source: Press Release of Financial Services Commission on Jan. 21]

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