Tuesday 4 February 2014

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) 2014

Korean Government Scholarship Program (KGSP) 2014 to Study in any field including Engineering, Medical, Arts and Others in South Korea.

Do apply in here. See the procedure and how to apply by opening and downloading the files on the links given below

There are two ways to go for it:-

  1) University Selection.
  2) Embassy Selection

For University selection, they will select in March and recommend you to NIIED in April, Therefore, see the universities openings for March
About Embassy procedure, you can read in documents


(Open the first or second link in notice section of the page opened)




AI apprentice said...

thank you so much for the info about KGSP sanjay. can i contact you through email to know more info......plz reply fast

AI apprentice said...

thank you so much sanjay for your valuable info. i want to know more info about KGSP as i want to apply. i need your help...plz tell me how can i contact you.......hope you reply fast.

AI apprentice said...

hi sanjay i'm sowmya from india.thanks for the valuable info about KGSP. i need some more info as i want to apply for it. plz tell me how to contact you as i have only a week till deadline.....plz reply fast.

AI apprentice said...

is it better to apply for KGSP through a designated university or via korean embassy in india. if it is through embassy plz give me the contact info of embassy....

AI apprentice said...

is it better to apply for KGSP through a designated university or korean embassy in india. if it is embassy plz give me the contact info of embassy in india.....hope you'll answer me

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