Thursday 26 September 2013

Korea, Taiwan top world earth science Olympiad

Korea walked away the winner at the International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO) 2013 which was held in Mysore, India, earlier this month.

The four Korean high school students who represented Korea competed with 101 students from 27 countries for nine days starting on September 11. The latest victory made Korea the IESO winner for three years in a row, a total of three golds and a silver medal at the annual competition, tying Taiwan for first place. A total of ten gold medals, 19 silvers, and 30 bronzes were awarded at this year’s Olympiad.

Korean students pose after winning the IESO 2013 which was held in Mysore, India (photo courtesy of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity).
Korean students pose after winning the IESO 2013 which was held in Mysore, India (photo courtesy of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity).

Han Sang-woo of Incheon Science High School (second from right) poses for a photo after being awarded the grand prize at the IESO 2013 (photo courtesy of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity).
Han Sang-woo of Incheon Science High School (second from right) poses for a photo after being awarded the grand prize at the IESO 2013 (photo courtesy of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity).

Korean students pose for photos after winning IESO 2013 (from left): Han Sang-woo (Incheon Science High School), Lee Juho (Hanseong Science High School), Kim Hee-jun (Busanil Science High School), Lee Min-yeop (Gyeongnam Science High School) (photo courtesy of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity).
Korean students pose for photos after winning IESO 2013 (from left): Han Sang-woo (Incheon Science High School), Lee Juho (Hanseong Science High School), Kim Hee-jun (Busanil Science High School), Lee Min-yeop (Gyeongnam Science High School) (photo courtesy of Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity).

Among the four Korean students, Han Sang-woo of Incheon Science High School was awarded the grand prize for receiving the highest score in astronomy.

From left: Kim Hee-jun, Lee Min-yeop, Lee Juho, Han Sang-woo
From left: Kim Hee-jun, Lee Min-yeop, Lee Juho, Han Sang-woo
The IESO marks its seventh year since its first competition held in 2007 in Korea. Composed of theory and practice tests, the annual Olympiad is designed to assess students’ comprehensive understanding of earth sciences and their capability to interpret natural phenomena, including circulation and changes of the Earth. The IESO includes individual tests and teamwork, requiring students to team up with students from other countries, conduct field research, and discuss the results.

Under the theme “The Earth is indeed a family,” this year’s IESO tests focused on global issues such as natural disasters including climate change, flood, typhoons, and earthquakes, as well as development and abuse of natural resources, and air and seawater pollution. The next IESO will be held in the United States in 2014.

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