Monday 12 August 2013

Test of Proficiency in Korean-TOPIK 2013

Objectives of TOPIK
  • To propagate and set a standard framework for learning Korean for non-native speakers of Korean and overseas Koreans alike.
  • To measure and evaluate their Korean language skills and utilize the results for entrance to Korean Educational institutes
    and for job-seeking purposes 

Exam Levels and Difficulties (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)

 Exam Levels and Difficulties (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced)
LevelLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4Level 5Level 6
Level decisionLevel will be decided upon depending on the score in each level
  • Composition by Area : 4 sections (Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, Listening and Reading)
  • Score : Each section 100, Total 400

Test result use

For the purpose of submitting score reports to institutions such as colleges or companies, and for visa issuance.


TOPIK Schedule in 2013

ExamKoreaThe Americas, Europe, AfricaAsia.Central Asia, AustrailiaRemarks
29th Exam1.20(Sun)Korea Only
30th Exam4.21(Sun)4.20(Sat)4.21(Sun)
31st Exam7.21(Sun)Korea only
32nd Exam10.20(Sun)10.19(Sat)10.20(Sun)

TOPIK 2013 Application Dates(Korean dates)

ExamDateHow to applyRemarks
29th Exam‘12.12.13(Thu) ~
· Korea : Online application,
group application
Korea Only
30th Exam‘13.02.12(Tue) ~ 02.25(Mon)· Korea : Online application,
group application
· Overseas : Apply through the
nation’s affiliated institution
31st Exam‘13.06.12(Wed) ~ 06.25(Tue)· Korea : Online application,
group application
Korea only
32nd Exam‘13.08.07(Wed) ~ 08.20(Tue)· Korea : Online application,
group application
· Overseas : Apply through the
nation’s affiliated institution
**Date can differ while applying from overseas. Please check with the nation’s affiliated institution.

 TOPIK 2013 Test Timings

Difficulty1st half2nd halfRemarks
  • Morning(Beginner, Advanced)
  • Afternoon (Intermediate))
**1st and 2nd half will be combined to single test in China
- Beginner.Advanced: 09:00 ~ 12:00
- Intermediate: 14:00 ~ 17:00

TOPIK 2012 Test Result Announcement Dates

Test number29th Exam30th Exam31st Exam32nd Exam
Announcement date‘13.02.04(Mon)‘13.05.30(Thu)‘13.08.02(Fri)‘13.12.03(Tue)
**Announcement will be at 15:00 on the above dates on the exam website (
For further details you can contact Korean Embassy in your country or visit the official TOPIK website:

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हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

हम चिंताओं, युद्धों, वैश्विक सुरक्षा दुविधा, विचारविहीन राजनीति, चरम स्तर पूंजीवाद, बहुध्रुवीय विश्व, अविश्वास और अवसरवाद से भरी दुनिया में...