Monday 14 May 2012

Notification of the changes in the standard of Scholarships given to International Students,Kangwon National University Korea

Notification of the changes in the standard of Scholarships given to International Students.

Office of the International affairs, Kangwon National Unversity hereby notifies to all the International Students about the change in the standards of the Scholarships provided by the University. International Students from all the concerned countries who are getting university scholarship are requested to update yourselves.
1. *
Major Changes

Division: Graduate Students/ Enrolled Students/ Merit based Scholarship Students

* Above 3.0 Average GPA until previous semester .

* Minimum 6 credits in a semester .


* average GPA should be above 3.5. until previous semester.
* Minimum 6 credits in a Semester
(Exception: If the student has an average of more than 4.0 GPA in total semesters and has completed more than 80% of the credits required for degree.)

Remarks: Including ACES and BEST KNU scholarship students.

* Duration of ACES and BEST KNU scholarship:

Current: MasterCourse -4 semesters
Phd. Course - 5 semesters
Masters and Phd. Combined Course: 8 Semesters

Amendments: Master Course- 4 semesters
Phd. Course: 6 semesters Masters and Phd. Combined course- 8 semesters.

* Undergraduate/ Graduate Merit based selection Scholarship:
Current: Students meeting all the required criterias according the scholarship standards.
Amendments: Students meeting all the required criterias according to the scholrships
depending upon the availability of University Funds every year.

Enforcement Period: Applied from the second semester 2012, (Merit based scholarships for 2nd semester of 2012 will be selected on the basis of 1st semester 2012 grades record).

Additional particulars: Merit based scholarhips for undergradauate students are not based on the standards includingKorean students. Merit competition is based on the standards of foreign students only. According to the grades among Foreign students, merit scholarship will be provided.
Study sincerely.

Undergraduate Students:
Among the International Students who have completed 15 credits Until Previous semester and having more than average GPA of 2.5.

1. Top 1% student: Exemption of 100% Tuition fees.

2. Top 5% student: Exemption of 100% Student Association Fees.

3. Top 10% student: Exemption of 50% Student Association fees.

4. Top 30% student: Exemption of Class Tuition fees

For Details: Contact Office of the International Affairs , KNU
Mr. Ha Kwon Young/ Mr. David

Wednesday 18 April 2012

World Bank picks health expert Kim as president

Jim Yong Kim, the U.S. nominee for the next World Bank president, leaves the Finance Ministry after a meeting with Japanese Finance Minister Jun Azumi in Tokyo April 1, 2012.

Credit: Reuters/Issei Kato

By Lesley Wroughton

Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:35pm EDT

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The World Bank on Monday chose Korean-born American health expert Jim Yong Kim as its new president, maintaining Washington's grip on the job and leaving developing countries frustrated with the selection process.

Kim, a physician and anthropologist who makes for a somewhat unorthodox choice to head the global anti-poverty lender, won the job over Nigeria's widely respected finance minister, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, with the support of Washington's allies in Western Europe, Japan and Canada - as well as some emerging economies.

It was the first time in the World Bank's history that the United States' hold on the job was challenged.

The decision by the World Bank's 25-member board was not unanimous, with emerging economies splitting their support. Brazil and South Africa backed Okonjo-Iweala, while three sources said China and India supported Kim.

Kim, 52, who is president of Dartmouth College, will assume his new post on July 1 after Robert Zoellick steps down as head of the World Bank.

"I will seek a new alignment of the World Bank Group with a rapidly changing world," Kim said in a statement.

He said he would work to ensure that the World Bank "delivers more powerful results to support sustained growth; prioritizes evidence-based solutions over ideology; amplifies the voices of developing countries; and draws on the expertise and experience of the people we serve."

Okonjo-Iweala congratulated Kim and said the competition had led to "important victories" for developing nations, which have increasingly pushed for more say at both institutions.

Still, she said more effort was needed to end the "unfair tradition" that ensured Washington's dominance of the global development lender.

"It is clear to me that we need to make it more open, transparent and merit-based," Okonjo-Iweala said. "We need to make sure that we do not contribute to a democratic deficit in global governance."

Some development experts criticized U.S. President Barack Obama's choice as lacking the economic and financial credentials needed to respond to the needs of rising middle-income countries, which are still riddled with poverty but which are increasingly looking for innovative ways to finance their development.

The United States said the process was open and transparent, but a number of emerging nations questioned whether candidates were assessed on their nationalities rather than on their merits, as World Bank members countries had agreed in 2010.

The United States has held the presidency since the World Bank's founding after World War Two, while a European has always led its sister institution, the International Monetary Fund.


Unlike previous heads of the World Bank, Kim is not a politician, a banker or a career diplomat. He has worked to bring health care to the poor in developing countries, whether fighting tuberculosis in Haiti and Peru or tackling HIV/AIDS in Russian prisons.

His training and experience, including directing the World Health Organization's HIV/AIDS department and developing treatments for a form of drug resistant tuberculosis, gave him immediate credentials as a campaigner on behalf of the poor.

He is also a founder of Partners In Health, which focuses on community health programs for impoverished nations. He earned both his medical degree and his doctorate in anthropology at Harvard University, where he helped set up the Global Health Delivery Project.

South African Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan welcomed the fact that non-Americans competed for the first time, but also said there were concerns the process was not fully merit-based.

"I think we are going to find that the process falls short of that," he said.

As part of their efforts to gain greater say in global financial institutions, emerging economies are also pushing for greater voting power at the International Monetary Fund.

Brazilian Finance Minister Guido Mantega said his country would not give additional money to the IMF to tackle the effects of the European sovereign debt crisis until the institution showed firm commitment to voting reforms.

Former Colombian finance minister Jose Antonio Ocampo withdrew from the race for the top World Bank post on Friday, saying the process had become highly political.

Nancy Birdsall, president of the Washington-based Center for Global Development, said it would be healthy if countries made public which candidate they supported and why.

"History was made because there were three candidates," she said. "In the next round it would be good to have more transparency about which board member supported which candidate for what reason."

Birdsall said it would be important for Kim to show early on that he was committed to change by appointing candidates from developing countries to other top posts.

(Reporting by Lesley Wroughton; Editing by Sandra Maler and Leslie Adler)

Sunday 19 February 2012

The 6th All India Korean Language Educators’ Workshop, 2012 held in India


The 6th All India Korean Language Educators’ Workshop, 2012 held in India. Unfortunately, I could'nt participate in the Workshop  as I am in Korea  but it was a great opportunity to get an idea of the  current status of Korean Language  Learning and its development in India. It was a valuable opportunity to listen some of the distinguished scholars from Korea at the same time. Here are the details of the schedule of the Workshop. I wish all the best for the upcoming Academic activities related to Korean language and  Korean Studies  in future. This kind of academic moves are immensley significant in  a highly populated Country like India where the Korean language learners are increasing at a rapid speed.  As the demand of the Korean language and Korean Studies are increasing in India, there is a necessity of  more Korean Language Centres in the other parts of the Country especially in rural areas where Korea is not well known among the masses.

2012   전인도 6  한국어 교육 워크숍

The 6th All India Korean Language Educators’ Workshop, 2012

       주제 :  인도학습자를 위한 한국어 문법 교육 방법론
Teaching Methodology of Korean Grammar Education for Indian Learners

일시 장소

2012 2 16, 17 (2일간)

India International Center (New Delhi)


                                                         First Day (February 16, 2012)

Registration           (9:00 am)

Inaugural Session      (9:30 am-11:00 am)

Welcome Speech                                                    Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan  
                                                                                Co –president, AKLEI [a distinguished Scholar   from India well known for her excellent skills in Teaching Korea language and Culture.]

Introductory Speech                                                                                               Prof. Kim Do-young

          President, AKLEI

Congratulatory Speech                                                                                    Mr. Kang Hee-yoon  

                                                                                   Minister, Embassy of the Republic of Korea

Key Note Address                                                                                             Prof. Min Hyun-sik

                                               President, International Network for Korean Language and Culture

Tea    (11:00 am-11:15 am)

Special Lecture (11:15 am-12:30 pm)                                                              Prof. Yoon Yeo-tak

Seoul National University 

(Lunch (12:30 pm- 1:30 pm)

Special Lecture (1:30 pm -2:30 pm)                                                               Prof. Min Hyun-sik

Seoul National University


Tea    (2:30 pm-2:45 pm)

First Session           (2:45 pm -4:00 pm) Curricular/Course Contents

Chairperson                                            Dr.Ravikesh                                                                                                            
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Kim Do-young (visiting professor): “A Study on Specifying Korean Grammar Contents Apposite           to the Level of Indian Learners”

Salna Sunny (Assistant Professor): Grammar Course at EFLU

Pramod (Lecturer): Grammar Courses of Maghada University 

Kim Young-soon (Coordinator & In-charge of Sejong School): Designing Korean Grammar Curricular for Korean Basic Courses of Sejong School 
A.Romita Devi (Assistant Professor): Grammar Courses of Manipur University
Second Session   (4:00 pm -5:30 pm) Text


Chairperson                                                                                                   Dr. Neerja Samajdar Jawaharlal Nehru University                      


Lee Hyun-kyung(Lecturer, JNU), “Analysis of Grammatical Errors of Students at JNU Korean Center

Park Min-jae (Lecturer, Daulat Ram College, DU): “Analysis of Korean Grammar Books -Analysis of the Contents of Each Level”

P.N. Ajita (Lecturer,DU) “Teaching Passive & Causative Verbs Using ‘International Korean Grammar’

                                                         Second Day (February 17, 2012)

Special Lecture (10:00 am-11:00 am)   Why do we need a "THEORY" in comparative teaching of Korean Grammar? -- Case & Preposition, Auxiliary Verbs, and Argument Structure & Verb Category                                                                                                               Prof. Kim Jae-min

Jawaharlal Nehru University                      

Tea    (11:00 am-11:15 am)

Third Session (11:15 am-12:30pm) Methodology

Chairperson                                                                                                                                             Dr. Kim Young  soon                                                                                                                   Korean Cultural Center



Vyjanti Raghavan (Associate. Professor): "Methodology of Teaching Grammar to Korean Language Learners in India" 

Priti Singh (Lecturer, DCAC) “Techniques to Grammar Learning”

Lee Myeong-e (Guest Lecturer, JNU): Teaching of Korean Sentence Structure through Word for Word: Translation and Its Criticism

Ravikesh Mishra (Asst. Professor, JNU): Teaching Korean Grammar through Literary texts

(Lunch (12:30 pm- 1:30 pm)


 Fourth Session   (1:30 pm -3:00pm) Contents 1

Chairperson                                                                                                    Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan                                          

Jawaharlal Nehru University


Hema(Lecturer)  - "Comparative Study of Korean and Hindi Pronoun "

Paresh Kumar (Lecturer) “Comparative Analysis of Passive and Causative Verbs between Korean & Hindi”

H. Roopa (Lecturer, Daulat Ram College) “Analysis of the Tense between Hindi & Korean language”

Tea    (3:00 pm-3:15 pm)      

Fifth Session   (3:15 am-4:15 pm) Contents 2


Chairperson                                                                                                       Prof. Kim Do-young

                                                                                                                          University   of Delhi                                                       



Neerja Samajdar (Asst. Professor): “Role of Grammar in Teaching Korean Language” 

Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal (Lecturer, J.N.U): “Teaching Korean 2nd Person Pronoun to Indian Learners”

Shashi Mishra (Ph.D scholar): Grammar Education in Korean Language classroom: An Assessment of Multilingual Students’ Expectation and Reality in India.

Sohn Young-heon (Chungbuk National University): A Study on Word Frequency of TOPIK since 2006 -focused on beginner & intermediate level-

 Vote of Thanks    (4:15 pm)                                                                                                                 Dr. Ravikesh                                                                                                            

Jawaharlal Nehru University

  참석 발표자 ( 30 참석 예정)

Special Lectures
University of Delhi (Delhi)

1. Prof. Kim Do-young (visiting professor): “A Study on Specifying Korean Grammar Contents Apposite to the Level of Indian Learners”

2. Mr. Paresh Kumar (Lecturer) “Comparative Analysis of Passive and Causative Verbs between Korean & Hindi”

3.Mr. P.N. Ajita (Lecturer)    Uses of Passive & Causative Verbs”

4.Ms. Hema(Lecturer)  - " Comparative Study of Korean and Hindi Pronoun "

5.Ms. Priti Singh(Lecturer,DCAC)  - “ Techniques to Grammar Learning”

6.Ms. H. Roopa (Lecturer,Daulat Ram College)  Analysis of the Tense between Hindi & Korean Language”

7. Mr. Park Min-jae (Lecturer,Daulat Ram College)  : “Analysis of Korean Grammar Books  -Analysis of the Contents of Each Level”
 Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi)      

1. Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan (Associate. Professor): "Methodology of Teaching Grammar to Korean Language Learners in India" 

2. Dr. Ravikesh Mishra (Asst. Professor): Teaching Korean Grammar through Literary texts

3. Dr. Neerja Singh(Asst. Professor): " Role of Grammar in Teaching Korean Language " 

4. Ms. Lee Hyun-kyung(Guest Lecturer, JNU):, “Analysis of Grammatical Errors of Students at JNU Korean Center

5. Ms. Lee Myeong-e (Guest Lecturer,JNU) : Teaching of Korean Sentence Structure through Word for Word : Translation and Its Criticism

6. Mr. Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal (Lecturer, J.N.U): : “Teaching Korean 2nd Person Pronoun to Indian Learners”

English and Foreign Language University

Ms. Salna Sunny (Assistant Professor): Grammar Course at EFLU

Maghada University

Mr. Pramod  (Lecturer): Grammar courses of Maghada University

Manipur University

Dr. A.Romita Devi (Assistant Professor): Grammar courses of Manipur University
  Korean Cultural Center

Dr. Kim Young-soon (Coordinator & In-charge of Sejong School): Development of Korean Grammar Education for Korean Basic Courses of Sejong School 
Chungbuk National University
Mr. Sohn Young-heon (Lecturer): A Study on Word Frequency of TOPIK since 2006 -focused on beginner & intermediate level-
Seoul National University
Mr. Shashi Mishra (Ph.D scholar): Grammar Education in Korean Language classroom: An Assessment of Multilingual Students’ Expectation and Reality in India.

 Organizing Committee

 Prof. Kim Do-young, President
Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan , Co-president
Dr. Ravikesh, General Secretary
Dr. Kim Young-soon, Treasurer                                   
Posted by:

Sanjay Kumar
2009 KGSP  Scholar from India,
Honorary Ambassador, Kangwon Province.
Kangwon National University,Chuncheon, Korea

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