Monday 1 August 2011

Yonhap Interview) Indian leader says food aid to N. Korea based on 'grave' situation

NEW DELHI, July 24 (Yonhap) -- Indian President Pratibha Patil said that her country's recent decision to offer food aid to North Korea was reached in consideration of the North's "grave" food security situation.

Patil said in an interview with Yonhap News Agency in New Delhi ahead of her trip to Seoul that India took a "well deliberated" decision to provide food to North Korea in accordance with its emergency food aid policy, indicating further food shipments to the North in the future.

Indian President Pratibha Patil (Yonhap)

"To ensure that the food assistance reaches its destination speedily and effectively, we cooperated with the World Food Program. ... I understand that Indian food assistance has reached the DPR Korea and is being distributed by the WFP," Patil said in the interview, using the abbreviation of North Korea's official name.

Patil was to arrive in South Korea on Sunday for a four-day state visit, including a summit with South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Monday.

The South Korea-India summit will focus on ways to enhance bilateral cooperation in all fields, including diplomacy, security, economy, trade and culture, Lee's office said.

India's presidential palace (Yonhap)

As Washington and Seoul continue to mull the need to send humanitarian food aid to North Korea, India announced in March that it was making US$1 million available for distribution through the WFP, saying that the North's situation is sufficiently serious to warrant assistance.

On July 5, India's Ministry of External Affairs said that 900 tons of soya beans and 373 tons of wheat, which were bought with India's $1 million humanitarian aid, were offloaded at the North Korean port of Nampo.

Patil said that during her visit to Seoul, she aims to accelerate the momentum in bilateral relations stemming from last year's effectuation of a comprehensive economic partnership agreement.

"India and the Republic of Korea elevated bilateral ties to the level of a Strategic Partnership. The objective of my visit to the ROK is to accelerate the momentum in our relations," Patil said, using the full name and abbreviation of South Korea's official name.

While in South Korea, the Indian leader will also lay flowers before a bronze bust sculpture of Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore that was recently erected in central Seoul by the two countries to mark the 150th birth anniversary of the late poet.

The followings are questions and answers from the July 22 interview with Patil at the Indian Presidential Palace.

Question: What is the purpose of your trip to South Korea this time? Do you have any specific agenda you want to discuss with South Korean leaders?

Answer: Let me first convey my warm greetings to the people of the Republic of Korea, a friendly country with which India is linked by both bonds of culture and civilization. Buddhism is a common chord which resonates in both India and the Republic of Korea. Both our countries share common values of democracy, rule of law and respect for human rights. You will recall that H.E. President Lee Myung-bak visited India in January 2010 as the Chief Guest for our Republic Day celebrations. During his visit, India and Republic of Korea elevated bilateral ties to the level of a Strategic Partnership. The objective of my visit to the ROK is to accelerate the momentum in our relations. In Seoul, I look forward to holding discussions with President Lee in which we will cover the entire gamut of our bilateral relations as well as regional and global issues. I also look forward to meeting Speaker Park of the National Assembly of ROK.

Q: Nearly six decades ago, India, as a leader of the non-aligned bloc of countries, played an important role in bringing the Korean War to an end. Most recently, your country drew international attention by providing food aid to North Korea. Does your country have a further plan to give humanitarian aid to the North?

A: The Government of Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (DPR Korea) made a specific request of food assistance to the Government of India. In view of the grave food security situation in the DPR Korea, the Government of India took a well deliberated decision to provide food assistance to the DPR Korea in line with our policy on emergency food assistance. To ensure that the food assistance reaches its destination speedily and effectively, we cooperated with the World Food Program (WFP), which has an ongoing program in the DPR Korea. I understand that Indian food assistance has reached the DPR Korea and is being distributed by the WFP.

Q: India and South Korea have forged close ties in almost all areas. Now, your country is home to many big South Korean companies, including Samsung and LG. However, there have recently been some negative reports about Korean companies trying to expand their presence in India. One such report is about Orissa residents who oppose POSCO'S plan to build a steel plant near their village. Do you have an idea to resolve the problem?

A: The Government of India has given all clearances for the POSCO project and the State Government of Odisha is to acquire the land for the project. We are aware that they are facing some obstacles in doing so. The State Government of Odisha is dealing with the situation.

Q: Many agree that economic relations between India and South Korea are very good and are moving in the right direction. Do you have any plan to further develop them?

A: Our governments have already put in place an institutional framework and relevant mechanisms which have created a highly conducive environment for our businessmen and industrialists to operate and contribute to each other's economy. For instance, the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement that came into effect last year, was able to generate 40 percent growth in trade in the first year itself, with the bilateral trade having crossed US$17 billion. We are ready and willing to further upgrade our CEPA. During President Lee's visit to India, recognizing the potential for further expansion of the economic engagement between our two countries, we agreed to a trade target of $30 billion by 2014. I am confident that we would meet this target comfortably.

India is a large and growing market. Some of your companies such as LG, Samsung, Hyundai have been very successful in India. We invite greater investment from the ROK to our country. We would urge the Korean corporations to take full advantage of the extensive opportunities offered by the huge Indian market. On a similar note, Indian corporations are keen to take advantage of the opportunities in the ROK. India has a competitive advantage in areas such as pharmaceuticals and Information Technology. Our companies require greater access to the Korean market in these sectors. We also need more connectivity between our two countries which will encourage people-to-people contact, enhance interaction of commerce and business enterprises and generate prosperity for our peoples.

Q: The fast-developing Indian economy has become the object of envy of other countries. However, some note that hurdles also lie ahead for your country's economic development, especially the lack of proper infrastructure. Does your government have any plan to improve infrastructure?

A: India has made important strides in the recent years with an impressive rate of growth. At the same time we are alive to some of the constraints that we face particularly with respect to infrastructure. My government has taken many initiatives to develop India's infrastructure. We are looking at US$1 trillion investment in this field during our 12th Five Year Plan (2012-2017). I take this opportunity to invite Korean enterprise to participate in the development of India's infrastructure.

Q: India has often been a target of international terrorism, most recently in Mumbai. What is your government's plan to root it out?

A: First of all I would like to convey our gratitude for the message of support and condolence we have received from President Lee on behalf of the people and Government of Republic of Korea for the victims of the outrageous terror attack that took place in Mumbai on 13 July 2011. India is a victim of cross-border terrorism. I whole heartedly agree with President Lee's view that terrorism is a crime against humanity and has no justification whatsoever. India will continue to work with the Republic of Korea and other members of the international community to confront, combat and collectively defeat this crime against humanity.

Q: As a female president, do you have any advice, if any, for South Korean female politicians?

A: I am impressed with the rapid transformation of Korean society within a short period of time. This would not have been possible without the valuable contribution of Korean women. I would like to convey my tribute to the strength, resilience and dynamism of Korea's women. Korean women are already participating in a meaningful way in public life. I support a greater role for women in all fields.

Korea and India vow to expand cooperation

President Lee Myung-bak and Indian President Pratibha Patil held a summit on July 25 at Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul to discuss ways to expand bilateral cooperation.

The two leaders agreed on the importance of Korea-India ties, which have substantially improved in a variety of sectors since the 2010 agreement to upgrade to a strategic partnership, including diplomacy, security, culture, economy and trade.

Lee and Patil agreed to work to increase the effects of the Korea-India Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA), which took effect on January 1, 2010 by reflecting on the trade environment of the two countries.
President Lee Myung-bak (right) and Indian President Pratibha Patil held a summit on July 25 at Cheong Wa Dae in Seoul (Yonhap News)

The two leaders signed a nuclear energy cooperation pact, which will allow Korean atomic power firms to enter India’s nuclear energy market.

They also signed a memorandum of understanding on media exchanges and cooperation between Korea and India.

The two leaders also agreed to closely cooperate on key international issues like climate change, and expressed hopes a successful Nuclear Security Summit in Seoul in March 2012.

By Yoon Sojung Staff Writer

India signs nuclear deal with South Korea

NEW DELHI: India and South Korea signed a civil nuclear agreement on Monday, a deal that gives the north-east Asian country an entry into India’s nuclear energy sector. The deal, India’s ninth, was signed by President Pratibha Patil in Seoul with South Korean President Lee Myung Bak. President Lee termed the nuclear cooperation agreement as “historic” and which would act as “a milestone, demonstrating that our two countries have now truly become strategic partners”.
Negotiated over three rounds, the last in December, the India-South Korea agreement carried the least amount of historical nuclear “baggage” as far as India is concerned. Officials involved in the negotiations described them as “clear, pragmatic and smooth”.
Both sides held some extra informal meetings on the deal this year and the Indian side was impressed with the proactive approach of the South Koreans in this sector. The India-South Korea deal was always going to be an easier sell than the India-Japan deal. Japan and India have been locked in negotiations which are really going nowhere.
The Japanese have been hobbled by the Fukushima disaster, but they have been carrying a long-held nuclear baggage, which Indian negotiators find “unrealistic”. Japan, said sources, may have quietly dropped the demand that India sign the CTBT, but they continue to hold out a laundry list of actions India must take to reassure them before they can sign the deal. The thing is, without an India-Japan deal, a number of western countries entering the Indian nuclear sector would find it difficult to get in, because Japan holds the licences for critical components of nuclear reactors.
That was until the South Koreans entered the market. Having swiped a massive UAE nuclear deal from under the noses of the French, Koreans have established themselves as not only much cheaper nuclear suppliers, but more crucially, from the Indian point of view, as an alternative supply chain for nuclear reactors and its components like giant forgings. The India-South Korea deal therefore does two things — it allows India to tap into another country’s nuclear expertise and it takes the pressure off the India-Japan nuclear deal.


Jongmyon: A must visit World Heritage site in Korea

Chongmyo Shrine was built at the same time as Gyeongbok Palace to hold the ancenstral tablets for the kings of the Chosun Dynasty. Since then, all but 2 of the kings and their queens are enshrined here. According to Confucian tradition, the royal family would perform elaborate rituals here 5 times each year to pay respect to their royal ancestors. The tradition still holds today, although the Jongmyo Daeje (Royal Shrine Ritual) is only performed once each year, in May (designated as Cultural Property #56). Dozens of descendents of the royal family gather in court costumes appropriate for the Chosun period. The rituals are accompanied by traditional court music (Chongmyo Cherye-ak- Intangible Cultural Property #1) played by the Royal Court Orchestra.


The main shrine hall, Cheongjeon (National Treasure #227) is the longest single traditional structure in Korea. It houses the tablets for the first set of kings and their queens.


At the northern part of the grounds is an overpass to Changgyeong Palace. Although the two were originally connected, during the Japanese occupation, Yulgong-no road was built between the them as a symbolic split. (The overpass opens at 9:00 and closes one hour prior to closing of the Shrine.)


Mar. ~ Oct. - 09:00 ~ 17:00 (weekends- 18:00)
Nov. ~ Feb. - 09:00 ~ 16:30
Closed: Every Tuesday

Adults (19 to 64 years old): 1,000 won (groups: 800 won)
Children (7 to 18 years old) and soldiers: 500 won (groups: 400 won)
* Children 6 and under, seniors 65 and over: Free

Jongno 3 (sam)-ga Station (Subway line 1, exit 11; Subway line 3, exit 8; Subway line 5, exit 8), 5 minutes walking

Tuesday 19 July 2011

Dear Friends! Lets know about Jongmyo in Korea

Jongmyo is a Confucian shrine dedicated to the memorial services for the deceased kings and queens of the Korean  Joseon Dynasty. According to UNESCO  , the shrine is the oldest royal Confucian shrine preserved and the ritual ceremonies continue a tradition established since the 14th century. Such shrines existed during the Three Kingdoms of  Korea period but only the shrines for the rulers of Joseon remain. The Jongmyo Shrine was added to the UNESCO  World Heritagelist in 1995.

When it was built in 1394 by order of King Taejo, it was thought to be one of the longest buildings in Asia, if not the longest. The main hall, known as Jeongjeon, had seven rooms. Each room was reserved for a king and his queen. The complex was expanded by King Sejong who ordered the construction of Yeongnyeongjeon (Hall of Eternal Comfort). This practice of expansion continued, with the growth of the complex moving from west to east, because of the need to house more memorial tablets during the reigns of later kings until there were a total of nineteen rooms. However, during the Seven Year war, Japanese invaders burned down the original shrine and a new complex was constructed in 1601 CE which has survived to this day. The original tablets were saved in the invasion by hiding them in the house of a commoner and also survive to this day. There are 19 memorial tablets of kings and 30 of their queens, placed in 19 chambers. Each room is very simple and plain in design. Only two kings' memorial tablets are not enshrined here.

The current Jeongjeon is National Treasure No. 227 and is the longest building in Korea of traditional design.

The south entrance gate was reserved for spirits to enter and exit, the east gate was for the king, and the west gate was for the performers of the royal ritual.
Viewed from the king's throne at Gyeong bokgung Palace, Jongmyo Shrine would have been on the king's left while the Sajik Shrine, another important Confucian shrine, was on the right. This arrangement was derived from Chinese practice. The main halls are surrounded by hills. In front of the main hall is the Woldae Courtyard, which is 150 meters in length and 100 meters in width.

Saturday 9 July 2011

Korea becomes only the second Asian country to host the Winter Games

Korea becomes only the second Asian country to host the Winter Games

The long battle for the Winter Olympics is over. PyeongChang won the right to host the 2018 Games after winning the majority votes on Wednesday at a International Olympic Committee session in Durban, South Africa.

President Lee Myung-bak and members of PyeongChang 2018 bid committee cheer after the IOC officially announced PyeongChang as the host city for the 2018 Winter Games at the International Convention Center in Durban, South Africa, Wednesday. (Yonhap News)

For the third time, the Gangwon Province city, up against Munich of Germany and Annecy of France, was bidding to host the Winter Olympics.

With seven members absent, 95 IOC members were eligible to vote in the first round of voting on Wednesday, meaning 48 votes would be needed to win the bid.

Before the vote, the 2018 bid race was considered a two-horse race between PyeongChang and Munich.

But PyeongChang won 63 of the 95 votes cast, while Munich received 25 and Annecy seven votes, eliminating the two bidders in the first round of the vote and becoming the first Korean city to host the Winter Olympics.

It was the first time an Olympic bid race with more than two finalists was decided in the first round since 1995, when Salt Lake City defeated three others to win the 2002 Winter Games.

PyeongChang 2018 Games will also be the first time the Winter Olympics is held in Asia since the 1998 Nagano Olympics.

IOC president Jacques Rogge announced the result at around quarter past midnight in Korean time.

Rogge opened the envelope containing the winner’s name, and finally declared PyeongChang as the host of 2018 Winter Games. And when the IOC president called its name, PyoengChang’s delegates in Durban reacted ecstatically, leaping and hugging each other with joy.

News of PyeongChang’s victory also delighted supporters who had gathered in Alpensia Resort in PyeongChang, where the 2018 opening and closing ceremonies will be held.

Wednesday’s decision brought a triumphant end to PyeongChang’s decade-long race to host the Winter Olympics.

PyeongChang, after its two close defeats for the 2010 and 2014 Games, was considered the front-runner for much of the campaign, with Munich running closely behind and Annecy trailing.

On their final battle ground in Durban, the three cities called on political and sporting heavyweights for their last-minute lobbying.

President Lee Myung-bak and reigning figure skating champion Kim Yu-na also flew to Durban to support PyeongChang one last time ahead the IOC voting.

On Wednesday, the three cities had their final presentation to the IOC members ahead of the vote.

Each city had 45 minutes to make its final pitch, followed by 15 minutes for questions and answers. The German bid made the first presentation, followed by Annecy and PyeongChang.

In the final presentation, PyeongChang bid committee CEO Cho Yang-ho pointed out that PyeongChang is trying to host Korea’s first and Asia’s third Winter Games.

With its slogan, “New Horizons,” Cho claimed that PyeongChang’s 2018 Games would help promote the popularity of winter sports not only in Korea but also across Asia.

“Our vision is clear and unique, we have the most compact, efficient Games plan,” Cho told the IOC members.

President Lee, who was the third speaker in PyeongChang’s final presentation, promised the IOC members that the Seoul government guarantees “the full and unconditional support,” for PyeongChang’s 2018 Games.

Lee, speaking in English, also recalled the legacy of the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul. “We have worked hard, we will make you proud. And we ask for your support today so that we can finally make our Winter Games dream, and our vision of a new horizons, come true,” Lee told the IOC members.

Figure star Kim said in the presentation that PyeongChang 2018 Games would help nurture Olympics dreams of young athletes.

“Our victory would mean the possibility for success and achievement, that’s what young people, everywhere in the world, need and deserve,” Kim said.

President Lee hailed the success of the bid.

“This is a victory for the people of Korea,” he said.

By Oh Kyu-wook (


평창, 2018년 동계올림픽 유치 성공

개최 명분과 당위성에서 뮌헨•안시 압도

李대통령•김연아•토비 도슨 등 감동 PT로 부동표 흡수

(더반<남아공>=연합뉴스) 천병혁 장재은 기자 = 강원도 평창이 꿈에 그리던 동 계올림픽을 마침내 품었다.

평창은 6일 남아공 더반에서 열린 국제올림픽위원회(IOC)의 2018년 동계올림픽 개최지 1차 투표에서 과반 득표에 성공해 경쟁 후보도시인 뮌헨(독일)과 안시(프랑 스)를 따돌리고 개최지로 선정됐다고 자크 로게 IOC 위원장이 발표했다.

이로써 한국은 1948년 스위스 생모리츠 동계올림픽에 처음 참가한 이후 70년 만 에 안방에서 지구촌의 겨울 대축제를 치르게 됐다.

우리나라가 올림픽을 치르는 것은 1988년 서울 하계올림픽 이후 30년 만이다.

제23회 평창동계올림픽은 7년 뒤인 2018년 2월 9일부터 25일까지 16일 동안 펼 쳐진다.

장애인들이 참여하는 패럴림픽은 동계올림픽이 끝나고 한 달 뒤인 3월 9∼18일 열린다.

아시아에서 동계올림픽이 열리는 것은 1972년 삿포로 대회와 1998년 나가노 대 회에 이어 세 번째이며, 국가로는 일본에 이어 한국이 두 번째다.

또 1988년 서울올림픽, 2002년 축구 월드컵, 2011년 대구세계육상선수권대회에 이어 동계올림픽마저 유치한 한국은 프랑스, 독일, 이탈리아, 일본, 러시아에 이어 6번째로 세계 4대 스포츠를 모두 유치한 '그랜드슬램' 국가로 등록됐다.

앞서 두 번씩이나 유치에 실패했던 평창은 세 번째 도전에서 동계스포츠의 본고 장에 속하는 뮌헨, 안시와의 접전을 펼친 끝에 극적인 승리를 따냈다.

특히 IOC의 실세인 토마스 바흐 유치위원장과 왕년의 피겨스타 카타리나 비트가 쌍두마차로 나선 뮌헨은 막판까지 평창과 우열을 가리기 어려운 위협적인 라이벌이 었다.

하지만 아시아에서 동계스포츠의 '새로운 지평(New Horizos)'을 열겠다고 선언 한 평창은 명분과 당위성에서 경쟁 도시들을 압도하며 IOC 위원들의 표심을 끌어모 으는 데 성공했다.

조양호 유치위원장과 박용성 대한체육회(KOC) 회장, 이건희•문대성 IOC 위원, 김진선 특임대사 등이 일관된 '낮은 자세'로 진정성을 전달한 평창은 전통적으로 텃 밭인 아시아와 아프리카는 물론 경쟁도시의 심장부인 유럽과 미주대륙, 오세아니아 에서도 고른 득표에 성공한 것으로 분석되고 있다.

평창2018> 유치 성공 배경·효과는
실패에 좌절 않고 세 차례 도전 끝 결실
'선수 중심' 개최 계획·'맨투맨' 유치전략 적중
국민사기 앙양..20조원 이상 경제효과 기대
(더반<남아공>=연합뉴스) 천병혁 기자 = 강원도 평창의 동계올림픽 유치는 두 차례의 실패를 밑거름 삼아 3번째 도전 끝에 이룬 쾌거라는 점에서 한층 빛을 발하 고 있다.
또 강원도와 체육계 및 재계를 주축으로 하는 대회 유치위와 중앙정부가 찰떡 공조를 이뤄 빚어낸 합작품이라는 점에서 의의가 크다.
동계올림픽은 지구촌 최대의 겨울 스포츠 축제이기 때문에 국내에서 여름 종목 에 비해 상대적으로 소외된 겨울 스포츠가 비약적으로 발전하는 계기로도 작용할 전 망이다.
◇동계스포츠의 허브로 진화 중 = 1999년 용평리조트에서 열린 동계아시안게임 폐막식에서 김진선 당시 강원지사가 동계올림픽을 유치하겠다고 선언했을 때 제대로 눈여겨 보는 사람은 거의 없었다.
실현 가능성에 대한 회의론 때문이다.
당시 강원도에는 스키점프와 봅슬레이 경기를 치를 시설이 전무했고, 올림픽 코 스의 스키 슬로프조차 존재하지 않았다.
그런 상황에서 과감하게 도전해 두 번의 좌절을 극복하고 마침내 축배를 들었다 .
평창의 유치는 1924년 동계올림픽이 시작된 이후 아시아에선 일본의 삿포로(197 2)와 나가노(1998)에 이어 3번째다.
동계스포츠의 고향이라는 유럽 도시들을 모두 제치고 이룬 이번 쾌거는 아시아 동계 스포츠사에서 일대의 사건으로 기록될 만한 것이다.
애초 불모지였던 평창이 올림픽 유치사에서 한 획을 그을 수 있었던 주된 배경 으로 실패를 성공으로 돌리고자 하는 노력과 준비를 꼽을 수 있다.
평창은 최초 동계올림픽 유치 도전에 나섰던 12년 전과 비교하면 '상전벽해(
田碧海)'를 연출했다.
초현대식 숙소가 들어선 알펜시아는 세계 어느 곳에 내놓아도 뒤지지 않는 스키 리조트로 자리 잡았고, 최첨단 시설을 자랑하는 스키점프대와 깔끔하게 정돈된 노르 딕 스키장은 겨울스포츠 팬들을 부르고 있다.
지난 2월 평창을 방문했던 국제올림픽위원회(IOC) 현지실사단은 몇 년 전 황무 지에 불과했던 평창이 이미 올림픽을 치러도 좋을 만큼 완벽한 스키 타운으로 변모 한 모습에 감탄을 자아냈다.
두 번의 실패 속에도 반드시 올림픽을 유치하겠다는 강원도민의 뜨거운 열정을 한눈에 확인한 것이다.
동계스포츠 분야에 더 많은 투자가 이뤄질 7년의 시간이 또 흘러 2018년이 되면 평창은 동계올림픽 팡파르를 울린다.
그때가 되면 전 세계인들은 진정한 아시아 동계스포츠 허브로 변모한 평창의 모 습에 다시 한번 놀랄 것으로 보인다.
◇체육계·재계, 중앙정부의 합작품 = 평창의 동계올림픽 유치는 체육계는 물론 정부와 재계가 온 국민의 염원을 담아 합심해 이룬 성과물로 볼 수 있다.
평창이 처음 도전에 나설 당시에도 정부와 재계의 협조가 분명히 있었지만, 이 번처럼 전폭적인 수준은 아니었다.
어디까지나 강원도와 체육계의 현안이라는 시각이 뚜렷했다.
두 번째 도전에선 노무현 당시 대통령이 직접 IOC 총회에 참석하기도 했지만 국 민적인 지지를 이끌어내기에는 '2%'가 부족했다.
하지만 이번엔 달랐다.
평창유치위원회가 강원도 산하 법인에서 중앙정부 산하 법인으로 이전하면서 동 계올림픽이 국가적인 과업으로 격상됐다.
글로벌 항공사를 경영하는 조양호 대한항공 회장이 유치위원장을 맡았고 두산그 룹 오너인 박용성 대한체육회(KOC) 회장이 '쌍두마차'로 나섰다.
국내 최대 재벌그룹 총수인 이건희 IOC 위원은 지구를 다섯 바퀴(21만㎞) 돌 며 평창 지지를 호소했다.
이명박 대통령은 IOC 총회가 열리는 남아공 더반에 국가원수로는 역대 최장 기 간인 56일이나 체류하며 동계올림픽 유치에 전력을 쏟았다.
체육계와 강원도를 넘어 정부와 재계까지 일치단결해 국민적 역량을 집결함으로 써 꿈을 현실로 만든 것이다.
'선수중심' 개최 계획·'맨투맨' 유치 전략 적중 = 평창유치위가 내걸었던 모 토는 '선수 중심·경기 중심의 올림픽'이다.
설상 경기가 열리는 '알펜시아 클러스터'와 빙상 경기가 펼쳐지는 강릉의 '코스 탈 클러스터'가 양대 축으로 올림픽 사상 가장 콤팩트하게 경기장을 배치했다.
평창은 2개의 올림픽 타운을 철도와 고속도로 및 국도 등 다중 교통망으로 편리 하게 연결해 참가 선수의 90% 10분 이내에 경기장에 도착할 수 있는 점을 강조해 높은 점수를 받았다.
개최 계획서에서 경쟁 도시에 한 발짝 앞선 평창은 맞춤형 '맨투맨' 유치전략을 펴 경쟁도시들보다 더 많은 표를 끌어오는 데도 성공했다.
정부와 유치위원회, KOC IOC 위원이 참여하는 '고위 전략회의'를 정기적으로 개최하며 모든 정보를 공유하고 투표권을 지닌 IOC 위원들의 성향까지 완벽하게 분 석했다.
그 결과를 토대로 중복과 사각지대 없이 각자의 역할을 분담해 IOC 위원들에게 접근했다.
일관되게 '낮은 자세'로 진정성을 전달한 평창의 유치 활동 방식도 IOC 위원들 의 표심을 자극한 것으로 분석된다.
박용성 체육회장이 지난 3월 후쿠시마 원전 사고로 방사능 피폭 우려가 고조하 는 상황에서 IOC 위원들과의 약속을 지키겠다며 도쿄를 방문해 감동을 선사한 것은 그런 사례의 하나로 꼽힌다.
◇동계스포츠 저변 확대도 한몫 = 평창의 동계올림픽 유치는 우리나라가 꾸준히 동계스포츠 강국으로서의 면모를 갖춰온 데 따른 산물이기도 하다.
우리나라는 작년의 밴쿠버 동계올림픽 전에는 쇼트트랙에서만 메달을 따는 등 국제 동계 스포츠 무대에서 '절름발이' 신세를 면치 못했다.
1948년 생모리츠 동계올림픽에 처음 참가한 이후 2006년 토리노 대회까지 금메 달 17, 은메달 7, 동메달 7개 등 총 31개의 메달을 땄다.
하지만 쇼트트랙을 제외하면 1992년 알베르빌에서 스피드스케이팅 남자 1,000
에서 김윤만이 은메달, 2006년 토리노 대회 때 스피드스케이팅 남자 500m에서 이강 석이 딴 동메달이 전부였다.
그러나 우리나라는 평창의 1차 도전 당시 라이벌이었던 밴쿠버에서 열린 작년 대회에서 엄청난 저력을 발휘했다.
금메달 6개와 은메달 6, 동메달 2개를 획득해 국가별 종합 순위에서 사상 최 고 성적인 5위에 올라 동계스포츠 강국의 이미지를 세계에 전파한 것이다.
밴쿠버 대회에서는 김연아가 세계의 '피겨여왕'으로 등극했고 '빙속 삼총사'이승훈·모태범·이상화가 최초로 스피드스케이팅에서 금메달을 휩쓸었다.
쇼트트랙 강국으로만 통했던 한국이 피겨와 스피드 등 다른 겨울 스포츠 분야로 저변을 넓힌 것은 이번 유치 성공에 보약이 됐다.
◇사회·경제적 효과 엄청날 듯 = 한국은 동계올림픽 유치에 성공하면서 프랑스 와 독일, 이탈리아, 일본, 러시아에 이어 세계 4대 스포츠 행사인 동·하계올림픽과 축구월드컵, 세계육상선수권대회를 모두 유치한 6번째 나라가 됐다.
1988년 서울올림픽을 통해 전 세계에 '코리아'를 널리 알렸던 한국은 2002년 한 일월드컵을 치르면서 선진국으로 도약할 수 있는 기틀을 마련했다.
경기력이 국력과 비례한다는 스포츠의 매력은 해당 국민에게 긍지와 자부심을 심어줄 수 있는 점이 꼽힌다.
평창의 동계올림픽 유치는 모처럼 국민의 사기를 높인 기분 좋은 일이었다는 점 에서 가치를 돈으로 환산할 수 없다.
국제스포츠 행사에서 파생되는 경제적 효과도 간과할 수 없다.
산업연구원은 평창동계올림픽 개최에 따른 총생산 유발 효과가 204973억원 에 이를 것으로 예상했다.
아울러 부가가치 유발액은 87546억원, 고용 유발 효과는 23만 명에 이를 것 으로 추정했다.
또 현대경제연구원은 투자 및 소비지출에 따른 직접 효과 211천억원을 포함해 직·간접적으로 649천억원의 경제적 효과를 얻을 것으로 예측하는 등 평창 올림픽 이 우리나라 국가 경제에 엄청나게 기여할 것으로 전망했다.
최근 스포츠산업 시장은 미국과 유럽에서 '황금알을 낳는 거위'로 인식되고 있 다.
평창동계올림픽은 재정상태가 열악한 강원도뿐만 아니라 국가 경제에도 큰 도움 이 될 것이라는 기대감이 부풀어 오르고 있다.

हम केवल प्रवाह का अनुसरण कर रहे हैं।

हम चिंताओं, युद्धों, वैश्विक सुरक्षा दुविधा, विचारविहीन राजनीति, चरम स्तर पूंजीवाद, बहुध्रुवीय विश्व, अविश्वास और अवसरवाद से भरी दुनिया में...