Sunday 19 February 2012

The 6th All India Korean Language Educators’ Workshop, 2012 held in India


The 6th All India Korean Language Educators’ Workshop, 2012 held in India. Unfortunately, I could'nt participate in the Workshop  as I am in Korea  but it was a great opportunity to get an idea of the  current status of Korean Language  Learning and its development in India. It was a valuable opportunity to listen some of the distinguished scholars from Korea at the same time. Here are the details of the schedule of the Workshop. I wish all the best for the upcoming Academic activities related to Korean language and  Korean Studies  in future. This kind of academic moves are immensley significant in  a highly populated Country like India where the Korean language learners are increasing at a rapid speed.  As the demand of the Korean language and Korean Studies are increasing in India, there is a necessity of  more Korean Language Centres in the other parts of the Country especially in rural areas where Korea is not well known among the masses.

2012   전인도 6  한국어 교육 워크숍

The 6th All India Korean Language Educators’ Workshop, 2012

       주제 :  인도학습자를 위한 한국어 문법 교육 방법론
Teaching Methodology of Korean Grammar Education for Indian Learners

일시 장소

2012 2 16, 17 (2일간)

India International Center (New Delhi)


                                                         First Day (February 16, 2012)

Registration           (9:00 am)

Inaugural Session      (9:30 am-11:00 am)

Welcome Speech                                                    Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan  
                                                                                Co –president, AKLEI [a distinguished Scholar   from India well known for her excellent skills in Teaching Korea language and Culture.]

Introductory Speech                                                                                               Prof. Kim Do-young

          President, AKLEI

Congratulatory Speech                                                                                    Mr. Kang Hee-yoon  

                                                                                   Minister, Embassy of the Republic of Korea

Key Note Address                                                                                             Prof. Min Hyun-sik

                                               President, International Network for Korean Language and Culture

Tea    (11:00 am-11:15 am)

Special Lecture (11:15 am-12:30 pm)                                                              Prof. Yoon Yeo-tak

Seoul National University 

(Lunch (12:30 pm- 1:30 pm)

Special Lecture (1:30 pm -2:30 pm)                                                               Prof. Min Hyun-sik

Seoul National University


Tea    (2:30 pm-2:45 pm)

First Session           (2:45 pm -4:00 pm) Curricular/Course Contents

Chairperson                                            Dr.Ravikesh                                                                                                            
Jawaharlal Nehru University

Kim Do-young (visiting professor): “A Study on Specifying Korean Grammar Contents Apposite           to the Level of Indian Learners”

Salna Sunny (Assistant Professor): Grammar Course at EFLU

Pramod (Lecturer): Grammar Courses of Maghada University 

Kim Young-soon (Coordinator & In-charge of Sejong School): Designing Korean Grammar Curricular for Korean Basic Courses of Sejong School 
A.Romita Devi (Assistant Professor): Grammar Courses of Manipur University
Second Session   (4:00 pm -5:30 pm) Text


Chairperson                                                                                                   Dr. Neerja Samajdar Jawaharlal Nehru University                      


Lee Hyun-kyung(Lecturer, JNU), “Analysis of Grammatical Errors of Students at JNU Korean Center

Park Min-jae (Lecturer, Daulat Ram College, DU): “Analysis of Korean Grammar Books -Analysis of the Contents of Each Level”

P.N. Ajita (Lecturer,DU) “Teaching Passive & Causative Verbs Using ‘International Korean Grammar’

                                                         Second Day (February 17, 2012)

Special Lecture (10:00 am-11:00 am)   Why do we need a "THEORY" in comparative teaching of Korean Grammar? -- Case & Preposition, Auxiliary Verbs, and Argument Structure & Verb Category                                                                                                               Prof. Kim Jae-min

Jawaharlal Nehru University                      

Tea    (11:00 am-11:15 am)

Third Session (11:15 am-12:30pm) Methodology

Chairperson                                                                                                                                             Dr. Kim Young  soon                                                                                                                   Korean Cultural Center



Vyjanti Raghavan (Associate. Professor): "Methodology of Teaching Grammar to Korean Language Learners in India" 

Priti Singh (Lecturer, DCAC) “Techniques to Grammar Learning”

Lee Myeong-e (Guest Lecturer, JNU): Teaching of Korean Sentence Structure through Word for Word: Translation and Its Criticism

Ravikesh Mishra (Asst. Professor, JNU): Teaching Korean Grammar through Literary texts

(Lunch (12:30 pm- 1:30 pm)


 Fourth Session   (1:30 pm -3:00pm) Contents 1

Chairperson                                                                                                    Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan                                          

Jawaharlal Nehru University


Hema(Lecturer)  - "Comparative Study of Korean and Hindi Pronoun "

Paresh Kumar (Lecturer) “Comparative Analysis of Passive and Causative Verbs between Korean & Hindi”

H. Roopa (Lecturer, Daulat Ram College) “Analysis of the Tense between Hindi & Korean language”

Tea    (3:00 pm-3:15 pm)      

Fifth Session   (3:15 am-4:15 pm) Contents 2


Chairperson                                                                                                       Prof. Kim Do-young

                                                                                                                          University   of Delhi                                                       



Neerja Samajdar (Asst. Professor): “Role of Grammar in Teaching Korean Language” 

Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal (Lecturer, J.N.U): “Teaching Korean 2nd Person Pronoun to Indian Learners”

Shashi Mishra (Ph.D scholar): Grammar Education in Korean Language classroom: An Assessment of Multilingual Students’ Expectation and Reality in India.

Sohn Young-heon (Chungbuk National University): A Study on Word Frequency of TOPIK since 2006 -focused on beginner & intermediate level-

 Vote of Thanks    (4:15 pm)                                                                                                                 Dr. Ravikesh                                                                                                            

Jawaharlal Nehru University

  참석 발표자 ( 30 참석 예정)

Special Lectures
University of Delhi (Delhi)

1. Prof. Kim Do-young (visiting professor): “A Study on Specifying Korean Grammar Contents Apposite to the Level of Indian Learners”

2. Mr. Paresh Kumar (Lecturer) “Comparative Analysis of Passive and Causative Verbs between Korean & Hindi”

3.Mr. P.N. Ajita (Lecturer)    Uses of Passive & Causative Verbs”

4.Ms. Hema(Lecturer)  - " Comparative Study of Korean and Hindi Pronoun "

5.Ms. Priti Singh(Lecturer,DCAC)  - “ Techniques to Grammar Learning”

6.Ms. H. Roopa (Lecturer,Daulat Ram College)  Analysis of the Tense between Hindi & Korean Language”

7. Mr. Park Min-jae (Lecturer,Daulat Ram College)  : “Analysis of Korean Grammar Books  -Analysis of the Contents of Each Level”
 Jawaharlal Nehru University (New Delhi)      

1. Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan (Associate. Professor): "Methodology of Teaching Grammar to Korean Language Learners in India" 

2. Dr. Ravikesh Mishra (Asst. Professor): Teaching Korean Grammar through Literary texts

3. Dr. Neerja Singh(Asst. Professor): " Role of Grammar in Teaching Korean Language " 

4. Ms. Lee Hyun-kyung(Guest Lecturer, JNU):, “Analysis of Grammatical Errors of Students at JNU Korean Center

5. Ms. Lee Myeong-e (Guest Lecturer,JNU) : Teaching of Korean Sentence Structure through Word for Word : Translation and Its Criticism

6. Mr. Mukesh Kumar Jaiswal (Lecturer, J.N.U): : “Teaching Korean 2nd Person Pronoun to Indian Learners”

English and Foreign Language University

Ms. Salna Sunny (Assistant Professor): Grammar Course at EFLU

Maghada University

Mr. Pramod  (Lecturer): Grammar courses of Maghada University

Manipur University

Dr. A.Romita Devi (Assistant Professor): Grammar courses of Manipur University
  Korean Cultural Center

Dr. Kim Young-soon (Coordinator & In-charge of Sejong School): Development of Korean Grammar Education for Korean Basic Courses of Sejong School 
Chungbuk National University
Mr. Sohn Young-heon (Lecturer): A Study on Word Frequency of TOPIK since 2006 -focused on beginner & intermediate level-
Seoul National University
Mr. Shashi Mishra (Ph.D scholar): Grammar Education in Korean Language classroom: An Assessment of Multilingual Students’ Expectation and Reality in India.

 Organizing Committee

 Prof. Kim Do-young, President
Dr. Vyjanti Raghavan , Co-president
Dr. Ravikesh, General Secretary
Dr. Kim Young-soon, Treasurer                                   
Posted by:

Sanjay Kumar
2009 KGSP  Scholar from India,
Honorary Ambassador, Kangwon Province.
Kangwon National University,Chuncheon, Korea

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